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Sandgate Castle Kent


Well-known member
TSF Supporter
May 12, 2024
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Thinking of giving Sandgate Castle a try. Has anyone here fished Sandgate Castle? Is it snaggy? Any tips for where to fish? Not after anything specific but Thornbacks and Hounds would be a bonus 😃 Thanks in advance
Had codling there before and lots of doggies whiting pout on about 4 trips there . This was when cod were about though.
Cheers @Had1 @goose My main concern is finding some clean ground to fish. I'll be going with my father in law and he gets the right hump if he starts losing lots of tackle 🤣
Can be snaggy with ledges.
Ground varies depending on what the storms have done with the shingle.

I've fished the same spot many times and sometimes it was clear sometimes it was snaggy.

Why not use a rotten bottom to start with, at least you will only loose the lead.
Can be snaggy with ledges.
Ground varies depending on what the storms have done with the shingle.

I've fished the same spot many times and sometimes it was clear sometimes it was snaggy.

Why not use a rotten bottom to start with, at least you will only loose the lead.
Thanks @Shirleycodlin We are actually doing alright snag wise. Not lost any tackle except for hooks to the bloody spiders. We had a doggie each first cast but since then it's just been spider crab city 😬 lol
When I come down here again to try some different spots I will use your rotten bottom advice to see if I can find some more clear spots to fish 👍

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