With just two days to go before Christmas I just had to take advantage of this mild weather.
The forecast said a possible 17c in the afternoon with a little sunshine. My RiverApp indicated a healthy flow would come from the barrage late afternoon, so I just had to get back to the garden swim where I caught barbel a week ago.
It was 12.30 when I arrived at the river, surprisingly there was still a mist hanging over the water. But there was a good flow from midstream to the far bank, I was getting excited at the afternoons prospects!
At this point I made the decision to fish two rods, a quivertip close in as there might be a chub, my Korum Big Water rod for out in the current.
The quivertip rod took the first fish, a barbel. I decided to unhook that in the water, as is my usual way. Unfortunately I found the layer of silt deposited overnight was VERY slippery and I skated down into the river. I luckily stayed upright and my wellies found some grip on the stones before the deeper water! Deep sigh of relief, release the fish and then attempt to get back up the bank. No way would my boots find a grip and I had to resort to sticking my fingers deep into the bankside to pull myself up!!!!!
So, a difficult start. First mistake out of the way and a reminder to be more careful, the air temperature might be mild but a soaking in December would probably be fatal!
After composing myself I chuck the feeder out again and sit down for a coffee. Of course the feeder rod tip whacks down and I am into another barbel! As I lift that rod the heavy rod has the classic "3 foot twitch" and the baitrunner screams off! So I bully the first fish to the net, pick up the other rod and find a better fish still attached. A good fight and there are two barbel in my net!
Obviously there are plenty of feeding barbel in my swim, no need for two rods. As the flow is increasing I decide to just fish the heavy rod, also my fishing buddy may come down and he can share this swim.
Alistair arrives just as I hook into a 5 pounder. So he gets in a muddle trying to tackle up quickly, we all get that way when the bite is clearly ON!
Despite my frequent advice he insists on fishing two rods, even in difficult conditions. The flow is rapidly increasing as the barrage upstream is letting out a lump of water. Alistair struggles to catch a couple of barbel whilst dealing with the (inevitable!) tangles that come with fishing two rods with lightish weights. Hopefully, as my advice was ignored, the experience will impress on him what he needs to learn!
With the heavy rod I am able to fish a big weight upstream, keeping out of my friends way. Eventually, as the flow increases, I have to use 5 ozs - but these tactics work.
Seven more barbel hooked, including two over 6 pounds. Two of the barbel dropped off at the net as I had to bully them to stop them backing into my buddies lines.
During this four hours fishing the river first dropped about 6" then rose around 18". Now there is a healthy amount of water in the river system the upstream barrages and hydro-electric power stations can make fishing quite challenging!
This is the first December in the 5 years I have lived here to deliver me barbel. The water temperature is 11c just now, up 2c in a week. The barbel are making the most of it - and so am I.
Best Christmas present an angler could wish for!
This wonderful river keeps on giving! 
Wishing all on Talk Sea Fishing a Great New Year for 2023.
bonne pêche
Steve A