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Renaissance Lazy lures


Well-known member
TSF Supporter
Oct 17, 2020
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I'll be trying out some renaissance lazy lures on my next trip down the southwest, just wondering if anyone has used them yet , as they're very new to the market and have a very lifelike action , these don't wiggle tails like all other soft plastics, they swim in a very lifelike way due to the segmented body.
So if you've tried them i'd be interested to know how you fared
Well at least it's south Cornwall this time ( Sept) and the coast is a bit more sedate, the north coast is flipping wild and keeps trying to kill me every time I go. , last time the coastguard sent someone out to tell me to get off the rocks despite me wearing a life vest and taking time to observe the swell patterns and wave action before venturing to the mark..in the end I went to a safe place ( camel estuary) and spun off the sand. Safer and I caught a fish a cast with a devilishly small seeker..original_1fc4214d-b077-4886-a25e-127b85151f5d_PXL_20220922_074035962~2.jpgPXL_20220922_073247124.jpgPXL_20220922_072638863~2.jpg
Not tried those Lazy Lures, but their HQ is here in Plymouth.
Troj's Fishing on Youtube uses them a lot and rates them highly for Bass. I think there is a discount code on his channel.

I know it's nice to do things for yourself, but why not treat yourself to some guided fishing?

If you have all the time in the world, fine, but you are on holiday, fishing in limited windows of time.

Go on, you know it makes sense 😉
Well at least it's south Cornwall this time ( Sept) and the coast is a bit more sedate, the north coast is flipping wild and keeps trying to kill me every time I go. , last time the coastguard sent someone out to tell me to get off the rocks despite me wearing a life vest and taking time to observe the swell patterns and wave action before venturing to the mark..in the end I went to a safe place ( camel estuary) and spun off the sand. Safer and I caught a fish a cast with a devilishly small seeker..View attachment 66728View attachment 66729View attachment 66730

If you are ever down this way, and I am free, then I know of a couple of wrecks where a 4lb Bass is the general stamp of fish,

but you will be using Red Gill lures ;)

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