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North Wales Proper Planning & Preparation Prevents **** Poor Performance


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Dec 13, 2019
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Studying charts for tides, depths and of course shipwrecks & assessing their suitability & potential we set out in 2018 on a few exploratory trips to develop our own wreck fishing aboard My Way 2.

We conducted similar in 2019 seeking out new areas to us & shipwrecks to add to our ever growing list along with normal wrecking charters. With some proving to fish far better than others, but the slower wrecks still added to our database for a possible go on another date / time of year, they cant be ignored simply after one visit. I think it’s fair to say we have proved it to be a successful project, adding some great fishing opportunities to what we already offer.


Inshore fishing has some great merits for anyone wanting to catch a variety of species both big and small. It’s fishing that needs different baits, rigs and skills to test anglers and skipper alike – great fun when dealing with the many types of fish we catch. Thinking any angler wanting to do this is a ‘noddy’ or just a ‘casual’ angler – is wrong and again no need!


Similarly with wrecking it’s not always a case of travelling far and beyond. Should you choose to head out 30, 40 or 50 miles off there is absolutely nothing wrong with this, there are plenty of places out there and all seem to be rammed with fish. All the wrecks we fish aboard My Way 2 are up to 20miles off the North Wales coastline in depths of water ranging from 150 to 375ft, doesn’t mean we dont catch because we dont travel further.

These wrecks have proven to all that have fished them with us us over the last couple years to hold an abundance of pollack with cod, coalfish and the occasional ling too.

We did struggle towards the end of September in 2019 when our regularly fished areas dropped off. Fortunately we were able to try some wrecks we located in May of 2019 and they provided us with numbers of pollack, this time under 15miles north of Holyhead.

We have an ever growing list of wrecks within our grasp and plans to explore quite a few more in coming months, the more wrecks that are accessible to us within our area of operation the better chance of ensuring everyone aboard My Way 2 has a great time afloat.

I’m looking forward to an enjoyable and successful 2020 aboard My Way 2 inshore fishing or further afield, sharing our experiences with the many anglers who enjoy fishing with us.
Great report and photos :)
some cracking fishing to be had up there, also looks like permanently calm seas into the bargain as well.

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