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Out from Porthcawl

May 19, 2024
Reaction score
Barry, South Wales
Favourite Fishing
Had a blast on Friday afternoon, straight after work headed for newton slipway, launched 1.5 hours before low and headed around the nearest banks after bass. My mates did very well on the lures, me not so well but I'm no lure fisherman. However got 3 undersized bass on the alabama rig. I got bored of lure fishing so headed offshore for a couple of drifts for Tope and managed to hook into 2! Lost 1 at the edge of the sib and managed to land the other.

The reefs were rough with big swells but the sibs handled them and the experience of us gents controlling the sib. Not for the faint of heart.

All in all a very good afternoon. The other 2 boys who stuck at the bass caught 50 bass and returned them all. I only managed 3 and returned. IMG_20240705_132752.jpgIMG_20240705_200847.jpgScreenshot_20240705_200944_com.huawei.himovie.overseas.jpgIMG_20240705_161404.jpg
Nice report but not impressed with the way you are holding the Bass up dangling on the hooks with ripped lips.OK you put them back but you could have taken a little more care with the handling.:(
Taking pic one handed with phone in rough swells, this was the best I could do. Sorry it offends you. I'm sure you use rubber hooks not to hurt the fish 🤦‍♂️
The Al/umbrella rig isn't what I'd call lure fishing but whatever keeps your boat afloat 🫣
Hardly bait fishing is it 🤦‍♂️ trolled lures and caught a bass on lures, I'm struggling to see what about this rig your eyes can't see is a lure 🤦‍♂️ cos I can see 5 lures on that pic. Not 5 dead bait or live bait but 5 LURES.
I'm sure you use rubber hooks not to hurt the fish 🤦‍♂️
Unhook it first and then take your photo,don't leave it dangling on the hook and causing more damage.
"Sorry it offends you"
Not offended just not impressed with your fish handling skills.:eek:
me not so well but I'm no lure fisherman.
Yes, it shows :rolleyes:
However got 3 undersized bass on the alabama rig

Alabama rigs are best kept in Alabama, coz that ain't fishing. They are notoriously hard on the fish and tend to pick out the undersized smaller specimens.

If you wanted more than one hook out there, then you would have been better off trolling a long string of sandeel lures and keeping them deep, like the commercial rod/line boats do.
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Unhook it first and then take your photo,don't leave it dangling on the hook and causing more damage.
"Sorry it offends you"
Not offended just not impressed with your fish handling skills.:eek:
Next time I'll grab it by the gob and leave it clamped in my finger whilst taking a selfie then 🤦‍♂️ hook or gripped, either ain't kind.. I expect comments like this on Facebook not here.
Here we go again🤣 Post your opinions but don't accept the opinions of others whatever you do🤣
Nah its not that I can take criticism but come on like there's people as such just being petty as if you guys are 100% doing things by the book.. 👀 You both didn't have to comment at all. My posts are for people you want to know about an area that's fishing etc not for people to complain about a single picture.

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