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South Wales Ogmore Deeps 11.01.25


Active member
Oct 31, 2024
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South Wales
Favourite Fishing
First session of the new year- visited Ogmore again.

High water was at 16:30, venue can be very popular so arrived early to secure a decent spot and was there by 10:15, tripod and rods setup just as everyone else started arriving, in total of around 16 anglers.

First cast was at 12:00

The weather was great, with little wind on the venue but the sea was kicking up a fuss with vicous swells.

Made a mistake taking the century kompressor ss ( fish need to be hauled up the rocks sometimes around 15ft) so figured a beefier rod would be better suited- how wrong I was.

Using 8oz leads I couldn't hold bottom and kept tripping the leads with the firm tip of the rod.

Baits used- bluey, joey, crab, cart wings, sandeel and squid all in various cocktails and wraps.

Had 2 runs that took me into the reef snags and with no amount of waiting was I able to get the fish free.

Saw a dog, congor and 2 rays caught but nothing by me.

Left the venue around 18:00 and the waves were still crashing over the rocks and into the cliffs.

First blank of 2025 achieved!

Lesson learnt that the century t900s will be my rod of choice for all my Bristol channel needs from now on

First session of the new year- visited Ogmore again.

High water was at 16:30, venue can be very popular so arrived early to secure a decent spot and was there by 10:15, tripod and rods setup just as everyone else started arriving, in total of around 16 anglers.

First cast was at 12:00

The weather was great, with little wind on the venue but the sea was kicking up a fuss with vicous swells.

Made a mistake taking the century kompressor ss ( fish need to be hauled up the rocks sometimes around 15ft) so figured a beefier rod would be better suited- how wrong I was.

Using 8oz leads I couldn't hold bottom and kept tripping the leads with the firm tip of the rod.

Baits used- bluey, joey, crab, cart wings, sandeel and squid all in various cocktails and wraps.

Had 2 runs that took me into the reef snags and with no amount of waiting was I able to get the fish free.

Saw a dog, congor and 2 rays caught but nothing by me.

Left the venue around 18:00 and the waves were still crashing over the rocks and into the cliffs.

First blank of 2025 achieved!

Lesson learnt that the century t900s will be my rod of choice for all my Bristol channel needs from now on

View attachment 77377View attachment 77378View attachment 77379
Well done , you had a go. I'm surprised the mark is still so popular now that the cod have disappeared.

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