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South East Nice little harbour


Apr 10, 2022
Reaction score
Favourite Fishing
Hi everyone, well ive got a couple of free days down in penzance so looked for an easy place to fish for me and the missus decided on a tiny harbor called mousehole , popped into west cornwall tackle for some cracking lugworm, two score , a pack of squid and a pack of mackerel for £11 well happy , parked on the harbour wall £5 for the day , 1min walk to the end , rails at the end to rest rods on even easier , looking out its a rocky botton with a fair bit of weed managedto cast a whole 20 feet into a couple of clear patches ,a word of warning keep your baits to the right of the entrance to avoid any boats, two hook patornoster with 2/0 circle and a chunk of lug , each worm was big enough for 4 baits lol , 20 min later a lovely little ballen then a couple of groups of tourists walked down just as my rod started dancing, struck and away goes the drag oohhhhh nice bend in rod camera's out everyone let's put more pressure on Paul, and a beautiful wrasse slowly winches out of the sea to lots of ohhs and awww even the fish smiled for the camera, back she went , floated for a few seconds to a cry of oh no from someone before disappearing with a flick of the tail , oh bugger forgot to weigh it, and so it continued with a fish roughly about every 20 min for the next 4 hours all wrasse , now for the 1 minute hike back to the car


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Great write up. Cracking wrasse?
Great report & photos Paul - well done matey! Nice Wrasse! ????
Hi everyone, well ive got a couple of free days down in penzance so looked for an easy place to fish for me and the missus decided on a tiny harbor called mousehole , popped into west cornwall tackle for some cracking lugworm, two score , a pack of squid and a pack of mackerel for £11 well happy , parked on the harbour wall £5 for the day , 1min walk to the end , rails at the end to rest rods on even easier , looking out its a rocky botton with a fair bit of weed managedto cast a whole 20 feet into a couple of clear patches ,a word of warning keep your baits to the right of the entrance to avoid any boats, two hook patornoster with 2/0 circle and a chunk of lug , each worm was big enough for 4 baits lol , 20 min later a lovely little ballen then a couple of groups of tourists walked down just as my rod started dancing, struck and away goes the drag oohhhhh nice bend in rod camera's out everyone let's put more pressure on Paul, and a beautiful wrasse slowly winches out of the sea to lots of ohhs and awww even the fish smiled for the camera, back she went , floated for a few seconds to a cry of oh no from someone before disappearing with a flick of the tail , oh bugger forgot to weigh it, and so it continued with a fish roughly about every 20 min for the next 4 hours all wrasse , now for the 1 minute hike back to the car
Great fishing a lovely fish, bet you had to sit down after that long walk back to the car:)
tight lines
That's a chunky fish; it's a very pleasant place to fish outside of school holidays, I've never fished off that side as there's usually kids jumping in. I have fished the other side, Some good float fishing for gar and mackerel too if you keep the float away from the boat traffic areas.

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