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New boat reel for 30lb class rod


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2023
Reaction score
Favourite Fishing
Hello all,

Right I’ve got a slosh 30 that il be using on an uptider but I want a reel to go on the downtider now.

I’d quite like a lever drag but I don’t have a massive budget ( it won’t be used enough to justify spending mega bucks.

I have seen a shimano TLD 15. Any thoughts?

Would this be suitable for Bristol Channel fishing? Il be loading it with 50lb braid. It seems like it would also be capable for tope etc down west wales eventually.

When I bought the TLD 10 from Bennetts of Sheffield,Shimano were doing a deal where you got The Shimano Speedmaster TSM-FS with Fighting Star for free.

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Just remembered I sold the Triton Speedmaster TSM-FS and a Shimano Triton Speedmaster TSM 2C to Mark Bryce of Plymouth.He met me at Lockyers Quay Premier Inn Plymouth.He is on You Tube posting as The Janner Angler.Have a butchers,very informative videos.
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Can anyone please confirm it’s ok to advertise Tope and skate charter fishing ie targeting them as just had someone telling me it’s illegal to do so, have no idea and no axe to grind just opinions please? Apologies all error as in wrong section 🙄
That's news to me ?? I don't think it's illegal. They're not a restricted species like BFT have been.
That's news to me ?? I don't think it's illegal. They're not a restricted species like BFT have been.
All sounded strange but will get to bottom of it when he answers his phone something will be blurred but not lost in translation as to what’s been occurring and why.👍

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