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Need some advice on venues


Active member
Dec 18, 2022
Reaction score
Clacton essex
Favourite Fishing
Live in Clacton looking to catch some fish from the shore don’t mind a drive out of Essex. Can’t catch much from Clacton lately.
Live in Clacton looking to catch some fish from the shore don’t mind a drive out of Essex. Can’t catch much from Clacton lately.
Clacton is very hit and miss at the minute. The maybloom buggered it up for much longer than usual this year. There’s hounds about at the minute, but one tide they’re there and the next they’ve moved elsewhere. Holland at Kingscliffe is worth a go over high tide, also Frinton and St Osyth. You have to fish at night though, as daylight is dire and there’s thousands of day trippers everywhere. Most beaches will produce soles now, especially pole barn lane at Frinton, small hooks cast 20-50 yards baited with rag or lug.
Clacton is very hit and miss at the minute. The maybloom buggered it up for much longer than usual this year. There’s hounds about at the minute, but one tide they’re there and the next they’ve moved elsewhere. Holland at Kingscliffe is worth a go over high tide, also Frinton and St Osyth. You have to fish at night though, as daylight is dire and there’s thousands of day trippers everywhere. Most beaches will produce soles now, especially pole barn lane at Frinton, small hooks cast 20-50 yards baited with rag or lug.
cheers mate

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