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North Wales More dad and lad time.

Andy 1965

Well-known member
Oct 18, 2020
Reaction score
North Wales
Favourite Fishing
After concentrating on the lure fishing for the last couple of months, it was time for a change on Saturday with the annual club species hunt. I was really looking forward doing something different, but most of all it gave me the opportunity to spend some real quality time with my lad Sam 😊.
Sam and Me - Amlwch Sat July 6th 2024.jpg

The weather didn't start off the best 🌧️, but once the early rain cleared, it turned into a warm and sunny, if slightly breezy summers day 🌞😎.

It was a cracking days fishing as usual, with some fantastic banter along the way 😂 and after over 7 hours of fishing, I managed to catch 9 species, to finish joint second, 3 species behind the winner.

But special congratulations must go to Sam, who finished 4th out of 10 anglers in his first ever species hunt, with a very impressive 8 species, including several species caught for the first time 👏.
Dragonette - July 6th 2024.jpg

LS Sea Scorpion - July 6th 2024.jpg

Rock Goby - July 6th 2024.jpg

Pouting - July 6th 2024.jpg

Poor Cod - July 6th 2024.jpg

Tompot Blenny - July 6th 2024.jpg

Ballan Wrasse - July 6th 2024.jpg

Corkwing Wrasse - July 6th 2024.jpg

Dog - July 6th 2024.jpg

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