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South Wales Mixed fortune on the boat


Well-known member
TSF Supporter
Oct 16, 2020
Reaction score
Pembrokeshire ,Preseli foothills.
Favourite Fishing
Funny old day, 4 am alarm for my fortnightly ( weather permitting) boat trip from Laugharne. As usual headed west with the ebbing tide and this time an easterly breeze which meant a smooth sail. Picked up a fair few joeys on the way including the smallest I have ever seen, looked like gudgeon. We wanted a few more fresh mackies and ended up getting about 20 decent sized ones from a Tenby mark off St Catherine's Island then we put the handbrake on and parked at a couple of marks in Caldey Sound.

Very slow, just doggies, gurnard and one tope bite off so plenty of chance for jokes, bullshit and tea and cake. Once the tide turned we started the long chug East looking for bird activity ( none) and anything on the screen. The plan is always to get to Carmarthen Bar for the last 3 or 4 hours before a home run of an hour to the tidal jetty.

We anchored on the bar and caught plenty of schoolies , one tope plus several bite offs which is always a dai llama when the best bait for big bass is a joey but the cuffing tope get there first but one huge bass , nearer 10lb than 5lb was lost at the net.
Then we spotted a few terns working a mile or so off and we chugged over and caught a few bass but only two in size but suddenly the engine alarm went off. I think the consensus that some thing called a thermostat was fucked after they lifted up the engine cover and the temperature on the boat went up 20 degrees.

50/50 on whether or not to advise the coast guard to put them on notice or leave it to cool down and jury rig some sort of fix. Luckily the tide was taking us back east but the deadline was 6 30 pm on the tidal jetty. Anyroad up, I think they said we had been losing antifreeze through some hose and after 30 min cool down the skipper topped it up with water and fired her up at a couple of knots towards home. After a couple of planned stops on the way back to let everything cool off we limped in to Laugharne and docked in as soon as the water reached the jetty.
Nice report Glandy. Not good about the boat, but at least the guys managed to get her safely back to port. 🎣🎣👍👍
Glad you all got back to dry land safe and didn't need to call for help.

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