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North Wales Last night’s efforts……


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2020
Reaction score
This particular mark requires a little more effort than most when bait fishing so the aim really is to travel as light as practically possible.

A 3rd outing with the so far impressive Penn Tidal XT 😎40396CA3-61E8-4AB2-BA61-9DACFA9867A1.jpeg
The plan for the night would be small crab 🦀 baits on up & over rig’s1A6E79AC-8858-47F4-8566-C3816AAA1626.jpeg
It was painfully slow initially given the effort to get to this spot but with an hour of the flood remaining and darkness now fallen hopes were raised.
A big slack line bite produced the first Smoothound 🦈 of the night with an estimated weight of maybe 5lb ish
The very next cast produced a cracking take as the Hound smashed my crab bait and took off with it. Tamed, there was no estimating with this as it went 9lb 7oz on the scales 😎B9F3BA4A-F4C9-47C2-B1E9-850303A20868.jpeg
Cast out and again my bait was hit like a train as the attacker took off. This felt a better tussle than the previous fish and I was rewarded with a lovely conditioned Hound going 10lb 8oz on the scale 👌BD3C8C79-D6FD-47D5-BBAC-EB7D24D89D23.jpeg
Sport died off pretty much after that last fish though my mate did manage one around the 7lb mark.

With midnight now upon us it was time for the trek back, a much easier walk funnily enough after catching and a right ball ache if you’ve blanked 😂

After washing the reel down I made it into the pit at 01:45am, not too bad considering I was up at 6:45am for work 🤦‍♂️😂😂

We never learn eh! Last hour in work was a little tough but at least it’s the weekend 😎


  • 9BF6BA50-A6B5-49C5-9D99-0E98DC93BEA5.jpeg
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Brilliant session mate! 👏

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