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Dec 15, 2019
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Going to Costa Tequise in November anybody have any info on shore fishing, know its a long shot but would like to give it a go.
Don't forget your license.
I went Fuertaventura and only took some lrf stuff in the case. The island are windy though so maybe a heavier multi piece spin rod?

Are you just looking to have a plitter at some of the abundant wee stuff or the huge rays and sharks?
Thanks for the info will try and find out some local knowledge, plenty of time will be there for 4 weeks.
Not sure what supermarkets will be there, but in Fuertaventura they were mostly a chain called Hipper Dino. There was one local to the hotel that had an excellent fish counter and that was where I bought bait. Large uncooked prawns for very little €.
They also at that time had small squid. I never used any squid but met an old German bloke on the town pier and he was doing well catching on it. I did well enough on the prawns.
Costa teguise very very windy and shallow
Don't expect much
Very windy is right, but there’s a guy lure fishing off the rocks down from the prom this morning and he seems to have caught a few. Most were fairly small but one was a much better fish. I couldn’t see what type it was as I was sitting on the wall at the edge of the prom. He was about two hundred metres past playa bastion heading towards the king of Spain’s holiday home.
Very windy is right, but there’s a guy lure fishing off the rocks down from the prom this morning and he seems to have caught a few. Most were fairly small but one was a much better fish. I couldn’t see what type it was as I was sitting on the wall at the edge of the prom. He was about two hundred metres past playa bastion heading towards the king of Spain’s holiday home.
All information is greatly appreciated.
I fished the gryones either side of that beach
On the float you will only get very small sea bream/ornate wrasse @ angel fish
If your lure fishing you will need 50gr+ lures to get out into deeper water but with a constant head on wind you will not be able to work a lure due to the big big bow in your braid
I do not fush there anymore I head south to Playa Blanka and fish the west coast where the water is 60ft deep

Not far from Teguise is porto del carman well worth going to and fishing the harbour wall
Again deep water

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