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Hopton beach Norfolk


Mar 16, 2024
Reaction score
Essex UK
Favourite Fishing
We are having a few days awol at Hopton soon and i’m aiming to have a little go chucking lures in the water. Is it worth trying around the stone breakwaters for bass? From the usual online maps it looks as though its worth a try - i’m thinking seekers, weighted soft lures unless its unusually calm.
I don't fish that particular stretch of the coast, but have a few mates that fish Lowestoft and further south. There's plenty coming out to bait at the minute, some nice bass and plenty of thornback rays.
I have seen the odd report on other forums from people lire fishing the Norfolk coast, but I think they seem to venture further north where the water has a amount of clarity.
I'd guess hopton will be quite coloured, not sure how much that will impact lure fishing?
I don't fish that particular stretch of the coast, but have a few mates that fish Lowestoft and further south. There's plenty coming out to bait at the minute, some nice bass and plenty of thornback rays.
I have seen the odd report on other forums from people lire fishing the Norfolk coast, but I think they seem to venture further north where the water has a amount of clarity.
I'd guess hopton will be quite coloured, not sure how much that will impact lure fishing?
Thank you. Coloured water and lure fishing - not a good match…
We are having a few days awol at Hopton soon and i’m aiming to have a little go chucking lures in the water. Is it worth trying around the stone breakwaters for bass? From the usual online maps it looks as though its worth a try - i’m thinking seekers, weighted soft lures unless its unusually calm.
Did you have any luck? I heading over there in a few weeks and I'm hoping to get into some bass, I did alright further north at caister
Only got an hour in chucking a seeker’ in the vegetable soup (water) on our last evening there - blanked as expected. Going back for a week at the beginning of October, hopefully there might be one or two still about!

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