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West Coast Help finding a venue 🤫


I am the god of hell fire
Staff member
Sep 26, 2020
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One is after some information.
If I was to venture to Scotland (I've put west coast as you have to use a prefix 🙄)instead of Norway for a week's fishing, where would you recommend?
As Jax would be joining me, easy access marks would be preferable and target species would be cod, haddock and coalie.
Isle of Skye seems a fairly good place to begin with. Other than that for cod etc it has to be Iceland (the country) or Greenland. Tight lines whatever you decide (y)
The west coast is not the best destination for cod, coalie or haddock. There are some great places for pollock and they can really get quite addictive, if frustrating at times.
Your best option would be Shetland or Orkney, but of course there’s an added logistical cost and time too. Better off flying and hiring a car whilst up there and if course taking a charter with an experienced skipper.
The west coast is not the best destination for cod, coalie or haddock. There are some great places for pollock and they can really get quite addictive, if frustrating at times.
Your best option would be Shetland or Orkney, but of course there’s an added logistical cost and time too. Better off flying and hiring a car whilst up there and if course taking a charter with an experienced skipper.
I used to sea fish off Vancouver Island BC Canada, caught loads of halibut, pacific cod and salmon.(y)
I'm looking at the whole of Scotland not just the west coast.
Time of year would be Feb or Dec.
I'm looking at the whole of Scotland not just the west coast.
Time of year would be Feb or Dec.
February is a desperate year to be anywhere near Scotland fishing wise. Bigger stamp on the west coast are off shore spawning, December however sends up some spectacular fishing from the rocks if you get a gap between the storms.
I would have thought you are going to struggle in any way to hold a candle to a Norway trip by replacing it with a week in Scotland.
Once upon a time the inner solway marks especially the flat rock at Balcary were known for lots of cod and big cod too, but not now. They are not an easy access mark either, any of them really, a decent walk then a climb down a cliff, not to yorkshie standards, ropes and ladders but a steep climb.You are not going to get a haddock and coalies in that area are thin on the ground.
Cod in thd winter I would have thought north east the best, Arbroath area. Maybe Groundswell can help you out on marks? I think most of the better ones are again cliff marks, but more cod to be caught than in the SW.
I think wee generally hit the doldrums by February.
Oban Shirl. Definitely get Pollock and coalies there, the odd cod does show up. If you fancy a change you could go out on a charter for one of the big barn door skate, and you get all the usual sharky type things in that area. Good pubs and places to eat.
I wonder why the apparent Scotland haters are even looking at this post never mind adding their shyte comments? Some utter dicks just post to add drivel and attempt to annoy the real anglers on here. These constant verbal skitters are surely not acceptable to admin?
I wonder why the apparent Scotland haters are even looking at this post never mind adding their shyte comments? Some utter dicks just post to add drivel and attempt to annoy the real anglers on here. These constant verbal skitters are surely not acceptable to admin?
Oh go and give your head a wobble..🙄
I wonder why the apparent Scotland haters are even looking at this post never mind adding their shyte comments? Some utter dicks just post to add drivel and attempt to annoy the real anglers on here. These constant verbal skitters are surely not acceptable to admin?
In agreement the solway is a bit devoid of cod?

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