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Hayling Island


May 8, 2024
Reaction score
Favourite Fishing
I am fishing Hayling Island next week for Bass or Smooth hounds Langstone harbour or off the beach.Any body doing any good please let me know. Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks Anthony
Had a few hounds a couple of weeks ago but not sure what's been caught since. I don't like sharing my results as I'm sure the netters watch social media . Around the same time I had good size bream at aldwick and someone posted their catch and the netters got on it and now only seem to get small ones.
Ive fished hayling 4 times in the last month and been doing ok, though its definitely slowed up the last 2 weekends. Myself and a mate fished last night . We had half a dozen small bream, a doggy, a strap , 3 hounds to 7lb and dropped another hound. 90% of the hounds I've had during the last 4 visits have been either bang on high or low tide. 1 caught on crab and the rest king prawn. Been fishing the area by the Nab Car park.
Had a few hounds a couple of weeks ago but not sure what's been caught since. I don't like sharing my results as I'm sure the netters watch social media . Around the same time I had good size bream at aldwick and someone posted their catch and the netters got on it and now only seem to get small ones.
Yes the netters are a problem they should be banned only Reform seem bothered about our country and sea.
Had a few hounds a couple of weeks ago but not sure what's been caught since. I don't like sharing my results as I'm sure the netters watch social media . Around the same time I had good size bream at aldwick and someone posted their catch and the netters got on it and now only seem to get small ones.
Ive fished hayling 4 times in the last month and been doing ok, though its definitely slowed up the last 2 weekends. Myself and a mate fished last night . We had half a dozen small bream, a doggy, a strap , 3 hounds to 7lb and dropped another hound. 90% of the hounds I've had during the last 4 visits have been either bang on high or low tide. 1 caught on crab and the rest king prawn. Been fishing the area by the Nab Car park.
Yes the netters are a problem they should be banned only Reform seem bothered about our country and sea.

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