Have AFAW completely lost the plot?


Well-known member
TSF Supporter
Dec 25, 2020
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Fylde Coast
£350 for a 9'6" uptider made in China?!?!? The margins on these must be massive, that or they expect to sell so few that they've had push up the suggested retail prices to reflect the small size / higher cost of initial order?
They are not alone mind, look at the trend on SPJ rods, lures etc. These short one piece rods ard also massively overpriced. If either cost more than $50 in any spec at the factory gate I'd be very surprised indeed. Shrinkflation in rip-off land.
Makes me wonder how they come up with these figures, think of a number and treble it comes to mind. Just another way to rip off the Brits, bet they are much cheaper abroad.

Depends container costs have gone up on shipping for small businesses your hoping to get space on a part full container to reduce costs if not then it’s a case of either waiting possibly months or having to pay for a whole container. Other manufacturers used to be the same and have a problem . As for the blanks and where they come from but their manufacturing now not some backyard industry. Put in r and d and the cost of prototypes and costs of rings fittings etc. yeah they may be costly but gives the retailer space for profit but also special offer prices.
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Same with the match pro mk2. Five hundred quid, that’s made in in uk money.

My mate has one and I don’t like it.

I don’t know if they’ve improved them, but the spigots on my old surf rods wore down in no time at all.
Depends container costs have gone up on shipping for small businesses your hoping to get space on a part full container to reduce costs if not then it’s a case of either waiting possibly months or having to pay for a whole container. Other manufacturers used to be the same and have a problem . As for the blanks and where they come from but their manufacturing now not some backyard industry. Put in r and d and the cost of prototypes and costs of rings fittings etc. yeah they may be costly but gives the retailer space for profit but also special offer prices.
I was told the price is pretty well fixed to stop retailers undercutting each other.
I was told the price is pretty well fixed to stop retailers undercutting each other.
Same with a lot of goods, not just fishing. When researching prices for a lot of things, especially whote gods, some manufacturers prices are pretty much fixed across the board.
When the new Match Pro MK2's first came out, VMO were asking £525, JJ at my local tackle shop said he would do a pair for £950, guess who got my cash. ;)

Same with the match pro mk2. Five hundred quid, that’s made in in uk money.

My mate has one and I don’t like it.

I don’t know if they’ve improved them, but the spigots on my old surf rods wore down in no time at all.
[/QUOTE I’ve got the match pro’s and tried a lot of the early ones and they didn’t suit everyone and looked at the manufacturing process found the early ones felt heavy around the spigot and lost casting feeling for me. The match pros changed it for me and I’ve had mine over 8 years and apart from a re ring and shrink tube they are still going strong and the spigots in good condition. Some may laugh but would never swap them and go back to zziplex.
Same with a lot of goods, not just fishing. When researching prices for a lot of things, especially whote gods, some manufacturers prices are pretty much fixed across the board.
There’s a fair few companies that say to the shops the maximum discount they can give or advertise goods at and they reserve the right to withdraw the account if your found discounting to much. But as you say it goes on across all sectors

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