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South West Good session

John Mitchell

Well-known member
Jan 9, 2020
Reaction score
I went to our local coast to try for a few wrasse , the thought was fish for what’s there and not isn’t there .
I picked up a few worms and off I went , it was a fairly long walk through grass which no one has been through for a long time . Not good for my hay fever .
Set up with a 3/0 hook rig with a rotten bottom, good job for the rotten bottom as I lost 4 leads , first cast lobbed it out 30 yards bang fish right away , I must of had 20 wrasse biggest was weighed and went 3lb . Here are pictures IMG_1272.jpegIMG_1267.jpegIMG_1266.jpegIMG_1254.jpegIMG_1250.jpegIMG_1263.jpegIMG_1261.jpega few pictures of the prettiest ones .
I have had 4 schoolies from around Plymouth so far , so it’s my earliest bass on lures for me ever . How you getting on .
Glad your season has started. Mine has been a bit of struggle, fish turned up late at my reef and estuary marks, but, still aren’t there in numbers🤷‍♂️
Well done John! Good report and some nice Wrasse photos. 🎣🎣👍👍

I've been meaning to send you a message to see how you are, but just haven't got a round tuit! Hope all is OK.
Glad your season has started. Mine has been a bit of struggle, fish turned up late at my reef and estuary marks, but, still aren’t there in numbers🤷‍♂️
I like the open coast but that don’t normally start till about august / September, but the open coast is good for wrasse , and I always take my lure rod and a box of lures , just in case
Nice one John, lovely Wrasse and pics mate.. 🎣 🎣


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