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Fixspool Reels.


New member
Apr 29, 2020
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I use multiplier reels but want to get a fixspool reel, I've been told to get a Tronixpro vertuoso or Akios air loop can anyone put me on the right track please.
Hi Ron - haven't used the akios reel or seen one but have used the virtuoso from tronix. I got mine as I wanted a reel that I could easily get a lot of spools for and this ticked that box. I got two of them and they have been great over the past year I've had them. Not sure I would trust it winding and dragging, but pump and wind on clean to mixed beaches, it has been great. Hope that helps m8!
Hi Dave
I bought an Akios air loop R 10 only chose that one because I got a really good deel on it.
I used it a couple of days ago and I'm well pleased with it, I can cast a lot further with my multiplier but I will just have to persevere with it. (didn't catch)
Hi Dave
I bought an Akios air loop R 10 only chose that one because I got a really good deel on it.
I used it a couple of days ago and I'm well pleased with it, I can cast a lot further with my multiplier but I will just have to persevere with it. (didn't catch)

Hi Ron - just caught up on this thread. Glad you've managed to sort yourself out with a reel. Make sure you let us know how you get on with it :)

Tight Lines!
Just got a pair of the Blackrock TT8000's, already had one, not bad reels for the money, great line lay, don't think there available anymore though !
Hi Dave
I bought an Akios air loop R 10 only chose that one because I got a really good deel on it.
I used it a couple of days ago and I'm well pleased with it, I can cast a lot further with my multiplier but I will just have to persevere with it. (didn't catch)
I made the move to fixed spool and my casting has improved 10 fold bud I can cast off the ground so much easier with a fixed spool than a multi since the change my fishing has improved as well to be fair my fishing has improved because Chesilpete took me under his wing and put me right on so much
I've recently gone the way of the Conti set up or some of my fishing as I'm getting older and really suffer after casting a lot, but I still cannot get the hang of casting fixed spool reels well, find them harder to cast than multi's and as a result my distance suffers !
Depends a lot on budget I know, but the Shimano Ultegra XTD surf at around 140 quid is working fine for me. Easy to get hold of spare spools too.
Changed from multi to fix spool and bought a pair of Ultegras, best thing I have ever done
I have both multi and fixed spool but as I have just written on another thread, I have just bought a pair of 7HT mags and am now starting to wonder if I have done the wrong thing.
I have both multi and fixed spool but as I have just written on another thread, I have just bought a pair of 7HT mags and am now starting to wonder if I have done the wrong thing.
You can only try it and see which is more comfortable for you to use. I changed coz of my back and also I found there was no chance of crack offs and bird nests and the extra reels I would carry. just one reel for each rod and concentrate on enjoyable easy fishing
You can only try it and see which is more comfortable for you to use. I changed coz of my back and also I found there was no chance of crack offs and bird nests and the extra reels I would carry. just one reel for each rod and concentrate on enjoyable easy fishing
I think I prefer casting with multipliers, but winding in with multiplier compared to a good fixed spool just takes forever.
I think I prefer casting with multipliers, but winding in with multiplier compared to a good fixed spool just takes forever.
oh I totally agree with you, the multi is amazing, loved mine. it change and got me thinking when I bought my partner a new rod and lovely reel. so easy and landed up using it all the time when she didn't come with me.

the other thing was , when I did get a birds nest or crack off, I changed the line, coz I was worried about the line being kicked and now with weak spots in it.
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I think the multi is more balanced and smoother on a rod, just feels right, I've got 2 ht mags but this winter I'm going back to FS as I've got carpal tunnel and I can't grip the reel and more often than not its birds nest time.
So out comes my FS and easy fishing till or when I get me wrist sorted
I have both multi and fixed spool but as I have just written on another thread, I have just bought a pair of 7HT mags and am now starting to wonder if I have done the wrong thing.
Biggest flaw the ht mag has is the mag, a dial rather than a knob, I've found it awkward to adjust it while casting time u get your fingers around the dial most of the cast is done.
Out of the 7ht and the mag I prefer the old 7ht, I've not had any problems with the mags but probably it's just me but the older 7ht feels more solid
I think the multi is more balanced and smoother on a rod, just feels right, I've got 2 ht mags but this winter I'm going back to FS as I've got carpal tunnel and I can't grip the reel and more often than not its birds nest time.
So out comes my FS and easy fishing till or when I get me wrist sorted
I'm interested in what you say about bird's nests because of your carpal tunnel with the 7ht mags. One of the biggest reasons I have paid out the extra for the mags was all the stuff about it being nearly impossible to get a bird's nest with them. I had always used the standard 7ht reels before now. If the mags are still getting bird's nests when you cast then I am starting to wonder why I didn't just stick with standard 7ht reels, or as I originally said, go for FS.
I'm interested in what you say about bird's nests because of your carpal tunnel with the 7ht mags. One of the biggest reasons I have paid out the extra for the mags was all the stuff about it being nearly impossible to get a bird's nest with them. I had always used the standard 7ht reels before now. If the mags are still getting bird's nests when you cast then I am starting to wonder why I didn't just stick with standard 7ht reels, or as I originally said, go for FS.
Being I cant grip that well I found in mid cast just before you let off your thumb the spool starts to rotate,and before I get chance to stop or grip harder if I can it's to late.
If I manage to grip the cast it goes off fine without trouble .
I'm no big caster by any means,if my back hurts more than normal obviously I don't get that far out, some may disagree but I do think a lot of reels on the market are casting reels more than fishing reels, on a field back wind ideal conditions,reels can fly but on a beach it's a different story.
So this winter I've just got 2 akios hellrazer rods stick on my FS and leave my century rods at home and see if casting is less painful lol
I'm interested in what you say about bird's nests because of your carpal tunnel with the 7ht mags. One of the biggest reasons I have paid out the extra for the mags was all the stuff about it being nearly impossible to get a bird's nest with them. I had always used the standard 7ht reels before now. If the mags are still getting bird's nests when you cast then I am starting to wonder why I didn't just stick with standard 7ht reels, or as I originally said, go for FS.
Just want to add, if u set the mag 5or above u might have trouble to snag up, below 5 just need to watch the spool, as a rule I cast on 7/8 then let off the mag.
As I've said my trouble is grip?

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