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Falmouth lure fishing tips ??


Well-known member
Nov 8, 2023
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Favourite Fishing
Morning all heading down to Falmouth next week and see there hardly any if any bait shops around so decided to take the lure rod with me instead.

Tried looking on Google maps etc for some safe spots to fish with my boy?

Any suggestions or areas I can explore and hopefully land some fish.

Thanks all
Falmouth is an excellent choice for a fishing trip. You might want to try fishing around the docks near the marina for some solid spots. They often have good catches and are safe for kids. If you’re up for a bit of a drive, Gyllyngvase Beach can be a lovely spot, especially early morning.
If you’re heading to Falmouth for lure fishing, here are a few tips that might help. I’ve had good luck around Falmouth Harbor and on the rocks near Pendennis Castle. Start by checking out the local fishing spots; they can be goldmines. For lures, go with something shiny like a silver spoon or a bright, soft plastic—these tend to attract attention. Try varying your retrieval speed; sometimes, a slow and steady approach works better than a fast one. And don’t forget to check the tide times—fishing can be a lot more productive during the change of tides.
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Mmmmm……maybe it’s just me but two people from USA joining the same day and supposedly having fishing spot knowledge near Falmouth and not logging in again since joining…..
Probably more than a month late with the advice too.

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