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Enviroment Agency


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2021
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Between Barnsley & Doncaster
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It’s a Summer of Fishing


During July, August and September, the Angling Trust’s Summer of Fishing will see a range of family friendly angling participation events held around the country, where anyone can register and have a go at fishing. Tackle, instruction and next-steps info will all be included on the day, so whether you’re young or young at heart, new to the sport or keen to try and get back into fishing, there are plenty of opportunities to get out there and give this wonderful hobby a go.

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Take A Friend Fishing returns


The Angling Trades Association’s Take A Friend Fishing (TAFF) initiative returns later this month from 27 July to 3 September, and runs concurrently with National Fishing Month. During this time, anyone who holds a current fishing licence can take a friend or relative fishing with a free one-day licence. The initiative is designed at giving those who would like to try fishing, and those keen to return to the sport, a chance to get a free one-day licence by accompanying a current licence holder. Grab a friend or loved one and teach them all about the wonderful world of angling.

Remember to check your licence expiry date. If it is due to expire you can buy one to start just 30 minutes from purchase and have it sent direct to your phone by email or text.


Patrolling the riverbanks during the close season


During this year’s close season (15 March to 15 June 2024), Environment Agency officers and Angling Trust Volunteer Bailiffs conducted numerous patrols (30% more than previous years) to ensure that no coarse fishing was taking place in rivers and streams and to detect any other offences. Known as Operation Clampdown, it is an annual multi-agency initiative targeting illegal fishing and is an important part of the EA’s ongoing work to protect fish stock and angling. This year’s Operation Clampdown saw the Environment Agency carry out 933 patrols, resulting in 106 close season offences being reported. The Volunteer Bailiff Service conducted over 5,000 patrols, volunteering an astounding 11,879 hours. In total, they conducted nearly 200 joint agency patrols with the EA, the police or both.


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Fisheries Improvement Programme makes a big impact


Income from 2023-2024 fishing licence sales supported the Fisheries Improvement Programme (FIP), investing nearly £1 million and generating a further £1 million of funding, to support 232 projects which help enhance fisheries across England. These projects help improve fishing and fisheries by supporting habitat improvements and providing a range of benefits to local anglers. FIP has been running for 10 years and has so far reinvested £7.85 million of fishing licence income, to deliver over 1,300 projects.


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Ten years of crucian conservation


May 2024 marked the 10th anniversary of the National Crucian Conservation Project. Set up by the Angling Trust, crucian experts and the Environment Agency, the project’s objectives are to:

• promote the conservation of crucians and their habitats; and
• encourage the development of well managed crucian fisheries.
During this time, the Environment Agency have stocked over 300,000 crucians (0-1 year-old) into more than 300 waters from its Calverton Fish Farm. These fish have been used to establish new fisheries and ‘ark’ sites to provide a stronghold for crucians in England.


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