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East Anglia

fishing hobbit

Well-known member
Nov 17, 2022
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Lovely day out with lucky dave, few drifts for mack bait, headed over to bridkerdle bouy,tope rod 's out, fresh peelers out for a bass,i had a run came in like a wet sack till it saw the boat all hell broke loose, went about 45lb . Followed by a small bass, nothing for couple hrs and dave still fishless! Unusual for him. Moved over to the wind farm near skeggy, I had a 52cm bass on tope rod!! Mack head. Poor ol' dave still fishless. That was it for 3 hrs. So moved to brancaster road, i had a 90cm smooth hound,dave decided to join the party and had a 104cm smooth hound,he couldn't stop catching then,i lost one and had another 3 while dave ended up with 5. Only got pic's of mine.IMG_20240708_170217_783.jpgIMG_20240708_122454_239.jpg
Nice report & photos Hobbit! Well done guys. 🎣🎣👍👍
Good report. Nice fish. It does not always go well.

I went out 15 miles to some bass banks on a flat calm day. Left mooring at 5am. Lots of others had same idea including the commercials. Then a beam trawler came right through the area which disturbed the shoals and the traffic of everyone going over the banks on a clam day did not help. That's my excuse for 1 x undersized bass.
Had a tope , ray & smoothies closer in.

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