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East Anglia Dave Brown (Breakaway Tackle) RIP.


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2020
Reaction score
Not a catch report I’m afraid, but I’ve just found out Dave lost his battle with cancer. I’m sure many on here will have had dealings with him over the past god knows how many years.
Not sure if the Breakaway tackle shop that @concrete mentioned is the same company as the online Breakaway site?

I've ordered quite a bit from Breakaway online (casting cannons, filleting knife, mono line etc.) and whenever there was a question, it's always been a guy called Norman who has contacted me - another great guy, thought he was the boss?
Not sure if the Breakaway tackle shop that @concrete mentioned is the same company as the online Breakaway site?

I've ordered quite a bit from Breakaway online (casting cannons, filleting knife, mono line etc.) and whenever there was a question, it's always been a guy called Norman who has contacted me - another great guy, thought he was the boss?
The shop is owned by Norman Bickers the founder of Breakaway tackle, Dave was the manager of the shop.
Breakaway Tackle helped change beach fishing into what we know today..
Have a read of this https://www.breakaway-tackle.co.uk/...away-tackle-and-memories-of-nigel-forrest.pdf
Norman and Nigel Forest lead their field in tackle development, others like Trident and all the copiers have followed that lead. I always buy direct from them as their products are original and best with QC that's way better than the tat cloners like Tronixpoo etc. They have a sister company in Breakaway USA. Buy the best and you're also buying British.
Thanks for the link RaM! I've started having a read of that - will finish it later.

Great read about the history of the company. Saved in my favourites. 👍👍
RIP Dave Brown. Sad news.:(


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