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North Wales Dad and lad time.

Andy 1965

Well-known member
Oct 18, 2020
Reaction score
North Wales
Favourite Fishing
After concentrating on lure fishing for the last few months, it was time for a change last night. The plan was for Sam to catch his first smoothhound, and I had settled on a mark which can throw up some very nice fish, with a double figure hound a distinct possibility.

We arrived dead on low water, armed with a good selection of bait, consisting of fresh wild rag, along with frozen peeler and hermit crabs, squid, sandeel and frozen prawns, so it was a case of just add fish 🤞.
June 22nd - Setting up.jpg

Unfortunately things were very quiet until dusk, when sport belatedly picked up.

Our main target species failed to appear but Sam wasn't bothered in the slightest, as he was completely made up with his brace of small thornbacks, his first ever rays 🥳, and a couple of small whiting.
Sam Thornback 1 June 22nd 2024.jpg

Sam Thornback 2 June 22nd 2024.jpg

As for me, I caught a solitary small ray,
Andy Thornback 1 June 22nd 2024.jpg

plus 3 dogs, but despite the lack of anything particularly exciting, I just enjoyed getting out and spending some quality time with one of my boys again 😊.
Thanks for the replies gents (y).

Nice report and pics.The lad looks happy,gingerly holding those rays.
Was it that obvious that he was terrified? :ROFLMAO:

He was really nervous about picking the first ray up, but he was much better with the second and he says he's not worried about holding them in future 😁.
Great report Andy, and nice to see the boy enjoying fishing. 🎣 🎣


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