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South Coast Chesil.


Well-known member
TSF Supporter
Oct 3, 2020
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So our last couple of chesil have been tricky and not very rewarding, small cod and big seas and anglers in your armpits both sides.
Ben and I decided we would go and have one last pop for a sole down West armed with some blow, rag n squd we walked down onto the shingle to see only a couple of anglers but two effing trawlers dragging close inshore.
Anyhow we were there and figured the conditions were pretty good.
First casts out and treble shots of whiting some a nice size and pout n dogs mixed in.
A note here in my experience I dont mind the onslaught of all the rubbish fish it means the food is there and that have always found means if you work really hard then you will find a decent fish.
Double squid was getting stripped in 10 mins but a squid with half a pout strapped on was lasting enough time for me to fish my three hook clip down properly.
I always set my ratchet when its really busy because invariably you are not looking when you get the hit you were looking for and whilst baiting up another trace sure enough the ratched ran nicely and shortly after a decent cod came up the beach.
A bit later I had a screaming bite and decent fight with an moderate eel.
The biggest surprise was that by about 11 we had about a mile clear either side of us which made a effing change.
A good session only one keeper cod but few nice whiting and a warmish winter evening.......
I bloody love Chesil!.


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So our last couple of chesil have been tricky and not very rewarding, small cod and big seas and anglers in your armpits both sides.
Ben and I decided we would go and have one last pop for a sole down West armed with some blow, rag n squd we walked down onto the shingle to see only a couple of anglers but two effing trawlers dragging close inshore.
Anyhow we were there and figured the conditions were pretty good.
First casts out and treble shots of whiting some a nice size and pout n dogs mixed in.
A note here in my experience I dont mind the onslaught of all the rubbish fish it means the food is there and that have always found means if you work really hard then you will find a decent fish.
Double squid was getting stripped in 10 mins but a squid with half a pout strapped on was lasting enough time for me to fish my three hook clip down properly.
I always set my ratchet when its really busy because invariably you are not looking when you get the hit you were looking for and whilst baiting up another trace sure enough the ratched ran nicely and shortly after a decent cod came up the beach.
A bit later I had a screaming bite and decent fight with an moderate eel.
The biggest surprise was that by about 11 we had about a mile clear either side of us which made a effing change.
A good session only one keeper cod but few nice whiting and a warmish winter evening.......
I bloody love Chesil!.
Well done Pete. That’ll be very nice in a bit of batter.
Well done mate nice to meet you yesterday bud I’ve just finished down there got a few bits and pieces I’ll stick a report up later nice be on the cod again ma Bute ?
Well done Pete ?
Good to see you got one. Hopefully these whiting will thin out a bit soon and reveal what's really there.
It should be the next set of springs where we get some really big whiting at Bexi, I have had some great sessions there where the whiting have been massive. I have had an occassion where I had two keeper cod but they were both a pound less in weight than the whiting which were over 3lb. Now a 3lb whiting is a proper fish and all you need to chuck out there is a whole squid on a 4/0 pennel and just keep going. Its quite amusing. I go into fish processing mode on the beach and cling wrap the fillets as I go.
A 8oz whiting fillet is worth having.

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