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South Coast Chesil- they’re still there

Apr 8, 2024
Reaction score
Dorset and south wales
Favourite Fishing
Only my second session of the year after the gilts back in April, decided to try for a bass on chesil using my usual tactics of a mackerel head in close. Winged it and bought no bait along, which almost proved disastrous but I managed 2 mackerel before sunset.

Out went a few mackerel baits and before long the rods were nodding away with dogfish and small eels. Decided to bring them in a bit closer and they slowed down a bit, maybe 20 yards out at this point.

An hour or so in, line started stripping from my left hand reel and I fully expected a nice bass, but alas a decent chunk of a conger would have to do. Quick photo and off it swam.

Not 10 minutes later line was peeling off the reel again and I expected another conger so casually played the fish in, until a caught a glimpse of a very respectable size silver bar in the surf. Just as I was waiting for a wave to beach the fish, the lead came pinging back at me. On closer inspection the conger from earlier had all but chewed through the line. That’ll teach me to use light snoods when eels are around, got a good soaking trying to jump in after the fish it was so close. Walked back to the car soggy and defeated, but optimistic that I’ve got a good chance of a decent bass when I manage to get out again.


  • IMG_5063.jpeg
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Quality eel👍
Nice report DD! Well done matey! 🎣🎣👍👍
Great report DD, lovely eel too mate. 🎣 🎣


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