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South Coast Chesil dragonet


Active member
Nov 14, 2020
Reaction score
Favourite Fishing
Morning peeps
A few days ago I went to mid Chesil to try for my first cod of the season
Arrived about mid way on a incoming tide
No flow so put out loops loaded with rag and frozen blacks on a plain lead
After a few casts had a very delicate bite and wound in this little fella !!!
What a lovely fish with attitude he even managed to spike me with it’s sharp gill covers !! My first dragonet female I believe
Carried on until I had some tide flow and tried rag and black cocktail on up and overs boom nice pull down first codling of the season , only small but welcome
I left soon after dark but a great way to spend a few hours on the wonderful chesil beach
Stay lucky


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Great report Gray. Nice fish.. 🎣 🎣

Nice report & photos Gray! 🎣🎣👍👍
Yes, have caught most at Abbotsbury, some at berryhead, years ago , usually worm baits mid -late summer
Thanks guys
J I think it might have been 2 years since
Pete caught his , same area ha !!!!
I’ll contact you soon to get you out on the beach

It would have been mate 😳😳 just realised i’ve not been on the beach for nearly 2 1/2 years.

Make sure you call me mate, need that catch up for sure
F&@k me charr not turning into a tiddler fiddler are you 😳cool looking fish mind bey 👍
ha !!!!
No mate, just a unfortunate little chap wrong place wrong time ….
Carn’t be doing with all that jigging stuff
You’re soo right cool little dude even tho he spiked me … for a milli second I thought about returning him gently with a 6/0
Out again later in the week we’ll see what’s about

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