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Century NG Blue Thermo Smock


Well-known member
Nov 8, 2023
Reaction score
Favourite Fishing
Just bought one of these and landed through the door this morning. I’m usually an in between size of M and L and decided to go for a M and the fit is perfect. I must say the initial impression on the quality of the product is outstanding. The test will come in the harsher conditions. Next storm inbound on the weekend so might be a good opportunity to try out. Well done Century
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I had a look at these and they seem ideal for under my century smock.. ( bought off Facebook for bargain price as didnt fit the original purchaser) seem being the operative word as the price is far 3 times the amount I paid for a similar product but branded Peter storm from go out doors last autumn. 25 quid with the discount card.
The big downside with 'smock' styled layers is the lack of ventilation during or after a yomp, which rules them out for my shore fishing. Great for easier days afloat on the RIB though. I got given a Century NG smock which does seem good, but I still reach for the faded Musto HPX that's now entering its 17th year and still 100% weatherproof

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