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Century Graphex Ultralite or Zulcron Bass?

Sorry Cyprinus, no experience of either, and both rods way out of my affordable range. No doubt somebody will be along with some advice.
Sorry can't help either, I use TfGear 11ft 6 bass rods that casts 2-5ozs.
Not seen the zulcron but have cast the century and wouldn't pay the new price when the Akios airlite 355 is a third of the price and is a very nice to use and very nicely built.
'Not seen the zulcron but have cast the century and wouldn't pay the new price when the Akios airlite 355 is a third of the price and is a very nice to use and very nicely built.
No expert here & all of the mentioned rods are out of my £ range anyway, BUT I seem to think the Zulcron and the Akios Airlite (mentioned by Goose) might be in the same price bracket whereas the Century seems to be out of this world re price unless you @bigcyprinus have some big cash to splash. However, since you, bigcyprinus, are motivated to ask rather than just splash, I say go with one of the cheaper, but almost certainly good options mentioned. (The lower cost ones are not exactly "cheap" actually so will be of good quality.). Just some thoughts !!
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