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Casting grips.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2020
Reaction score
Wishing I was fishing........ but unfortunately due to lockdown here and weather instead I had a play around this afternoon making some casting grips.
First attempt was ok, but prefer the more snugly fitting 2nd attempt and that one was finished off neater on the cutting. 1st attempt below, then 2nd pic on shows the better fit after having a plat around.





Hopefully get a bit more grip in the wet and a few less sore thumbs with the leader knot
I did try some a few years ago but just could not get on with it so reverted back to innertube
Get yourself a scalpel and a steel rule, makes it much easier to get a straight edge. But good job, how well does it secure to the reel with the cut out?

I did look at the VMO reel grip strips, £2 a pop, I found out like you have, that it is simply cricket bat grip cut into 30mm x 100mm strips. I bought one in red for £3 and have so far made 2 out of it at 30mm thick and 125mm long, with enough to make 2 more of the same size, or 4 more if I go a little narrower.

I just tape mine to the reel seat, it worked well last night using it for the first time.
Get yourself a scalpel and a steel rule, makes it much easier to get a straight edge. But good job, how well does it secure to the reel with the cut out?

I did look at the VMO reel grip strips, £2 a pop, I found out like you have, that it is simply cricket bat grip cut into 30mm x 100mm strips. I bought one in red for £3 and have so far made 2 out of it at 30mm thick and 125mm long, with enough to make 2 more of the same size, or 4 more if I go a little narrower.

I just tape mine to the reel seat, it worked well last night using it for the first time.
View attachment 898View attachment 897

It fits nicely with the cut out and reel seat tightens up as it should keeping it all in place.
4 i can get this size from what I bought and like you say around £3 so worth a few min playing around with it and may invest in a scalpel for next time.
The scalpel wont make them perform any better, just my ocd when I was doing mine :) equally could have used scissors and it would have done the job just fine.

They are very grippy though on the spool though, good material

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