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South Coast Brighton


Well-known member
Oct 3, 2020
Reaction score
Had a trip down Brighton with Nick Plum not far from I360. Quite a few swimmers, paddle boarders and a survey boat constantly going in and out, quite close at times. No idea why they were surveying near old pier unless plans for more wind turbines and lines coming ashore there?
Anyhow fishing was slow with us catching a few small ting, a pout and a couple of schoolies. Last cast saved the day with a 2lb plaice. 27796E0A-AEA8-48E8-A9FF-EC67250BB0DA.jpeg
Had a trip down Brighton with Nick Plum not far from I360. Quite a few swimmers, paddle boarders and a survey boat constantly going in and out, quite close at times. No idea why they were surveying near old pier unless plans for more wind turbines and lines coming ashore there?
Anyhow fishing was slow with us catching a few small ting, a pout and a couple of schoolies. Last cast saved the day with a 2lb plaice. View attachment 1096
I'm down king alfred right now
Quality plaice?

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