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Well-known member
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Apr 28, 2024
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Danish Bombardashop.com's INNO offerings look interesting: any members familiar with/using their various bombarda casting floats/weights and/or flies/lures?
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I've thought about trying a Bombarda float setup, just never got around to buying some suitable floats, so will have a look at that shop.
They are supposed to be very good with Sea fishing flies, or light lures like a Redgill.

There was a great Youtube fishing channel down in Cornwall run by a guy called Rob. Sadly he retired from making vidoes last year, but some of his Bombarda float videos are still there. You might find some of his other videos of interest too.

Number of Danish videos using them for sea trout. Using flies as a main lure or a dropper is quite common.
Get them from Ali 😉
My one and only Ali Express purchase was not a good one: it was misleadingly advertised (a "Pack of 4" and "1 unit" should be a pack of 4 right ?!!) and delivery date was in many weeks and then it arrived many weeks after that.

I know one can save money (even with add-on import taxes etc) in most cases, but I don't even consider Ali Ex' any more. (Thanks anyway for the suggestion AlanT).

Of course, so many products we buy elsewhere are simply Chinese manufactured to order & spec' or simply generic products rebranded by non-Chinese companies/sellers taking advantage of low Chinese worker pay and Chinese "Government" subsidies to their industries. And look where that got us all: China is now the globe's industrial manufacturing base with all the eco-political power that goes with that. I'll stop there (although I could rant on for ages about this.)

The INNO Brand is not forth-coming about where their products are manufactured so obviously not Denmark !! Patented INNO products are a bit different though to general bombarda offerings it seems to me.
My one and only Ali Express purchase was not a good one: it was misleadingly advertised (a "Pack of 4" and "1 unit" should be a pack of 4 right ?!!) and delivery date was in many weeks and then it arrived many weeks after that.

I know one can save money (even with add-on import taxes etc) in most cases, but I don't even consider Ali Ex' any more. (Thanks anyway for the suggestion AlanT).

Of course, so many products we buy elsewhere are simply Chinese manufactured to order & spec' or simply generic products rebranded by non-Chinese companies/sellers taking advantage of low Chinese worker pay and Chinese "Government" subsidies to their industries. And look where that got us all: China is now the globe's industrial manufacturing base with all the eco-political power that goes with that. I'll stop there (although I could rant on for ages about this.)

The INNO Brand is not forth-coming about where their products are manufactured so obviously not Denmark !! Patented INNO products are a bit different though to general bombarda offerings it seems to me.
Had a couple of problems and had my money refunded. Delivery is often around a week with a guaranteed delivery date. Never had to pay import taxes. Morally I understand where you are coming from but blame the companies for moving there in order to maximise profits for the benefit of shareholders.
Another option would be a floating hookless lure tied front and back, extra attraction.
Another option would be a floating hookless lure tied front and back, extra attraction.
Using floating or sinking lures inline w/o hooks is something I hadn't really thought about. It's an option, but reckon I'm gonna order a selection of INNO bombardas & some bits & pieces just to see. Besides their "bombarda click" offerings, I'm intrigued by their "Go Get It" 1gram plastic lures which, seemingly, can be modified with different "coneheads" (floating/sinking/rubber*) and, as with many other plastic lures, can be tarted-up with feathers etc.
[* Re the "coneheads" mentioned above: finessing the mini-lure end-cones is, I imagine, for expert fly-fishers rather than the (novice) likes of me. However/whatever, they don't actually seem to be available on the bombardashop.com web-site right now.]
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Occasionally use them when I fancy a change from lures. I use my own flies with them and have had success, but I’ve actually had far more interest in the bombarda from the bass rather than the flies🤣
I find the opaque oval ones are the best for casting and the ones with fins on are least likely to get any great distance. You’ll need a decent flow of water to get the best from them, I suppose tiny redgills are more likely to catch, but I only use the method to get a thrill from my own patterns.
Been using Bombarda floats for years floater fishing for Carp with Pedigree Chum biscuits.The ones below from Outlaw Pro are designed so the fish are hooked without having to strike.
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Been using Bombarda floats for years floater fishing for Carp with Pedigree Chum biscuits.
And no doubt the Carp at your fav' fishing haunt have lovely glossy "coats" 😀 I'm not actually planning to go carp fishing (ever*), but what hook-bait do you then use (if members will allow a brief f/water moment without grumbling) ?

(*unless they taste good and there are fisheries that allow some "keeps" !)
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