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South Coast Another Update.Unable to load it all.


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[td] Irish Angling Update
Inland Fisheries Ireland's angling newsletter.

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Irish Angling Update​

12 July 2024

It has been a week of verys. It’s been very wet in the south east, very dry in the northwest, very sunny for most places. It’s been very windy a lot of the time and very cold in the evenings and very, very difficult not to give in to the temptation to turn on the central heating. It comes as no surprise that the fishing in general has not been very good and that at the same time there have been some very good reports.

Salmon anglers are reporting a few grilse knocking about and there have been some reports of fish caught from south western rivers and lakes. As my noble gentleman on Lough Currane likes to say, “least said, soonest mended”. In other salmon news, a reminder to those who purchased 1 day and 21 day licences that have already expired – it’s time to return your unused tags, logbook and catch record.

Cillian Nash playing his first salmon on a West Cork river​
Trout anglers continue to report that the unsettled weather is upsetting trout feeding patterns. We’re not seeing many reports but that’s not to say there isn’t any fishing to be had. The trout are still there. Catching them is not easy by any means but with a bit of luck you should still be able to get them on the rivers with nymphs, spiders and dries. Anyone looking for a few fly fishing tips should have a look at Dan O’Neil’s River Whispers. It’s a mine of information.
on the Nore

Senan with a good pike​
To the high seas and the sea shores now. Michael Callaghan won the Killybegs Mariners 2 day boat competition with with 100% scores both days. In other Mariners news, Mariners members enjoyed great fishing on the local beaches with a run of small eyed rays (painted) to specimen length. In other competition news, Newport SAC hosted the club’s 34th annual National Junior Competition for junior anglers. When all results were in and tallied up, Laoise Fynes was announced as the 2024 National Junior Champion to rapturous applause. A little further south in Galway Bay, the Brazen Hussy was out during the week with varying results as blustery weather made its presence felt. There were some good days, though, and some super porbeagles were caught, tagged and released. Heading down to the Clare coast and Shannon Estuary, anglers on the Clare Dragoon had some great fishing, particularly for tope and spurdogs, with a number of specimens recorded. To West Cork now and Mark Gannon reports that his anglers are continuing to get good fishing with skate providing some great sport. Next we travel all the way round to the east coast where Greystones Ridge Angling Club has announced it will be hosting the Greystones Tope Festival on 17th-18th August, with €5000 of prizes up for grabs.

A fine John Dory caught aboard Meridian skippered by Brian McGilloway​
For catch of the week we return to Courtmacsherry in West Cork where an overnight session brought spectacular results for anglers fishing with West Cork Charters. Very spectacular. The catch included 6 blue sharks, 2 specimen sized and 24 skate of which 14 were over specimen size. Incredible stuff!
As the light declined the skate continued to feed hard​









































Inland Fisheries Ireland
3044 Lake Drive, Citywest Business Campus, Dublin 24, IRELAND.
Tel: +353 1 8842600
Email: info@fisheriesireland.ie




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Nice write up, shame about the pics that won't load.

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