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Aldi 'fishing' offers.


Well-known member
TSF Supporter
Oct 4, 2020
Reaction score
Favourite Fishing
Aldi have emailed me sayng that they have some 'fishing' items available from this Thursday, in case anyone is interested.
I use the term fishing lightly, as it's mainly clothing, 2 items of luggage, and 2 pairs of wellies. No tackle.
I looked into their Neoprene wellies a while ago and saw some reports that thhey were splitting around the heel after a few trips out - not sure if the quality has improved.

Aldi have emailed me sayng that they have some 'fishing' items available from this Thursday, in case anyone is interested.
I use the term fishing lightly, as it's mainly clothing, 2 items of luggage, and 2 pairs of wellies. No tackle.
I looked into their Neoprene wellies a while ago and saw some reports that thhey were splitting around the heel after a few trips out - not sure if the quality has improved.

Any idea if Aldi do online shopping Dave?
Any idea if Aldi do online shopping Dave?
Unlike Lidl, they sure do!
Their special offers are usually available to order a week online before they are due instore.
I think it is free delivery if the order comes to more that £30.
If you look at the link I posted, the items available online are marked as such above each item, but some items are only available instore.
Aldi also have the advantage of items which were previously instore but still in stock can be sometimes ordered online too.
I've ordered items by post from them and service was excellent. 👍👍
I have had a pair of those neoprene wellies before and have to say probably the best set I've ever owned.
Interesting to hear. 👍👍
I bought a pair of Dunlop Purofort last year, but they are a bit bloody heavy. Mananged to try them on at home, and they fit great, but due to the limited mobility in my replacement hip, I can't reach down with both hands to pull them on. They are headed for Gumtree.
I've never had a problem with aldi fishing clothes. Their thermal jogging bottoms were £14.99 and are lovely and warm. They also did a matching hoody with a built in snood and those weird cuffs that you put your thumbs in to stop the sleeves riding up...
I love my Grubs neoprene boots. They're the comfiest boots I've ever owned. They keep your feet warm too. And the best bit... they're on sale at the moment. You won't get a better pair of boots for £30!
I'm not affiliated by the way, I just love a bargain as much as the next guy 👍
I quite like the look of those Grub boots,
FishAmaniac. How deep are the sole cleats?
One problem I have is small bits of shingle getting trapped in the sole in my current pair of either Aldi or Lidl wellies (can't remember where I got them, one or the other). That drives me nuts.
I've cut my current pair off at the join between the rubber boot and neoprene upper so that I can get them on easily but the liners are rapidly deteriorating and getting harder to slip into. Bit like......

different story
I quite like the look of those Grub boots,
FishAmaniac. How deep are the sole cleats?
One problem I have is small bits of shingle getting trapped in the sole in my current pair of either Aldi or Lidl wellies (can't remember where I got them, one or the other). That drives me nuts.
I've cut my current pair off at the join between the rubber boot and neoprene upper so that I can get them on easily but the liners are rapidly deteriorating and getting harder to slip into. Bit like......

different story
There are various size gaps in the cleats. The soles are quite soft and flexible though. I've not noticed any issues with them. I suppose it'll depend on the beach. Worth a try for £30 though 😉

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