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Yep I enjoyed having my own boat but the expense, maintenance and extra work as said just to launch and recover I don’t miss.

The freedom of it was great and when it all came together right it was a cracking day’s fishing.

But there were plenty of bad days, when the weather turned, conditions changed or the fishing was just very poor.

But regardless of a good or bad day, I still had to get up 2-3 hours before the crew did, constantly check the forecast, load all the gear into the car, in several trips, head for the harbour, unload and install it all in the boat, do my checks, meet whoever was going with me, load THEIR gear in the boat, then launch it, park the car and trailer and finally go fishing.

Then at the end of day, regardless of how cold, wet or tired I was, the boat had to be recovered, cleaned down, unloaded, etc.

Then usually I’d get ‘do you mind if I head back mate as I’ve got an hour’s drive and promised the wife I’d….’ (Etc), so muggins was left to finish up, load/unload at home etc etc.

If we’d got back in at 6pm I’d be lucky if I got to sit down finally at 9pm.

Okay all that was due to the boat being on hard standing at the harbour and if it had been possible to store at home I could have done a lot the night before etc, but that’s how the set up was.

When it was on drying out moorings I still had to get the tender out the rack, row everything out to it and so on, so didn’t save on much except the launching.

I do miss it to an extent, but then I think about it and realise I don’t miss all the extra hassle.

Tbh I’m not so fussed on charters these days either. Do one or two a year but the price of many is so high now and the fishing isn’t really what it was.

Would I get another boat? MAYBE, one day, but no urge right now!

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