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South Coast 2025, the start


Well-known member
Jul 20, 2021
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ok, 2025, trip 1

3 jan. chesil, abbotsbury, cottages. 7pm-3am

a storm had passed , and the sea had flattened out. a m8 contacted me and we planned a meet. as usual i was late. arriving about 7pm , Rob & Jim had been there all afternoon for just a ting and an eel. i hoped darkness would bring more out to play.

being a friday , with good but cold conditions the beach looked like an airport landing strip, if slightly curved .

tide was springy on a new moon, and the sea fairly flat , high water was about 8pm i think.

the water was probably still coloured . and pretty flat, the wind had settled to mostly nothing and northerly. swell on the ebb were no more than a foot, a clear frosty night.

baits.- all frozen, lug / squid,/ bluey / orse mackerel.

rigs- pennel pullys & up n over , hooks were sizes 4/0 & 5/0's.

fishing was slow and cold, i managed some blank avoidance via a reasonable whiteing,( good sizes showing this year) and a strap of no more than about 2.5lb at best
Rob left about midnight and i had had enough by 3am .

there was a cheer from up the beach about 2am so i guess something usefull got caught.

on leaving, found that gremlins had struck my new car again hope it is just teething troubles . cars are a bloody bane for me.
ok, 2025, trip 1

3 jan. chesil, abbotsbury, cottages. 7pm-3am

a storm had passed , and the sea had flattened out. a m8 contacted me and we planned a meet. as usual i was late. arriving about 7pm , Rob & Jim had been there all afternoon for just a ting and an eel. i hoped darkness would bring more out to play.

being a friday , with good but cold conditions the beach looked like an airport landing strip, if slightly curved .

tide was springy on a new moon, and the sea fairly flat , high water was about 8pm i think.

the water was probably still coloured . and pretty flat, the wind had settled to mostly nothing and northerly. swell on the ebb were no more than a foot, a clear frosty night.

baits.- all frozen, lug / squid,/ bluey / orse mackerel.

rigs- pennel pullys & up n over , hooks were sizes 4/0 & 5/0's.

fishing was slow and cold, i managed some blank avoidance via a reasonable whiteing,( good sizes showing this year) and a strap of no more than about 2.5lb at best
Rob left about midnight and i had had enough by 3am .

there was a cheer from up the beach about 2am so i guess something usefull got caught.

on leaving, found that gremlins had struck my new car again hope it is just teething troubles . cars are a bloody bane for me.
Hey Gordon what was the biggest ting?

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