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South Coast 18.08.24 chesil


Well-known member
Jul 20, 2021
Reaction score
Favourite Fishing
trip 5 i think.


chesil,- masonic


high tide was for approx 1900, small ish tide but a full bloodmoon.

weather was dry and hazey with variable winds which were sometimes quite blustery.

water was a little choppy, not perfectly clear and looked a little milky to start with along the shore.

bait- sandeel. frozen black. squid.

20240818_190414[1] by gordon underwood, on Flickr20240818_143634[1] by gordon underwood, on Flickr

rigs, two hooks flapping, a dropdown scratchy rig, pulleys and a single fixed. oh and a wedge lure looking for a fresh mackerel, i saw just one caught on feathrs by the guy next to me.

i started with small baits on the scratchy rigs , but it was tediously slow finding that i was fishing into an old weed bed often snagging but a pull with a straight rod would usually free it. there was some little surface weed drifting past about 20yds out but it was little problem.
the first fish took a while but i managed to snag a small bream

20240818_155738[1] by gordon underwood, on Flickr

it was low going after that with just the odd bite, occasionally id get entusiastic and throw a wedge lure about looking for a fresh mackerel to bait. but no joy, just saw one caught to a guy on my left useing feathers all session, there were hoards of people in chesil center and checkpoint carparks extorsionate cost and no space respectively drove me to my usual haunts along with age and general unfitness. the rest of the afternoon passed quietly with no fish. though i lent my spinning ron to a passing lady who fancied a cast or two, i was expecting her to catch just to upstage me but it was a day with not much happening on this section that i could see.

20240818_214044[1] by gordon underwood, on Flickr

after a while darkness fell and a bloodred moon rose over portland, i had already had the odd rig wrecking strappy eel, it was a pleasant evening and the wind had dropped , an odd pouting joined the congers on my catch list for the session but nothing else. overall a little disapointing but good to be out and recharged

20240818_220210[1] by gordon underwood, on Flickr
Great report & photos Gordon - well done matey! 🎣🎣👍👍
Great report Gordon, some nice fish and pics mate. 🎣 🎣

if you are trying for the Bream and general day fish in clear chesil water, try this 100% Fluorocarbon Trace line - best I have ever used.

15lb for the bream and 20lb for clip downs and flapper. It is not cheap but will often make the difference between a blank and fish.

if you are trying for the Bream and general day fish in clear chesil water, try this 100% Fluorocarbon Trace line - best I have ever used.

15lb for the bream and 20lb for clip downs and flapper. It is not cheap but will often make the difference between a blank and fish.

Nice one! Rob's shop isn't far from me, been in there quite a few times. It's on the end of a terrace of houses and sometimes difficult to park nearby.

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