After a long break from beach fishing, I am back and loving it.
Currently using my 30yr old Daiwa Supercast X and Supercast, both 13ft multi rods.
I also have a new sonik sks black 13ft for my daughter or son to use when they come along.
Looking to buy another rod, seen a good deal on an AFAW...
Having had a break from Beach casting for about 10 or so years I have been doing a spot of lure fishing for a couple of years with varying success.
I have now found a couple of new guys who want to go beach fishing and have dug out my old gear and been a few times.
For Christmas I splashed out...
Hi Guys,
I currently have a 525 mag2 and a couple of abu 6500s.
A long service award of £200 is available to me and thought a new reel would be nice.
Any advice on which to choose, mainly north wales beaches and rocks.
I had zoned in on a penn fathom 15 or casting special, any others worth a...
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