julian shambrook explains if you want to use a fixed spool and multiplier on the six and bait then buy the multiplier version. Simples.
Thats my 10p worth.
Had to reign myself in a bit, needed to be under £200 as it is a gift with a voucher included for a well known shop.
Have settled on the 6 and bait. Hopefully it will treat me ok.
After a long break from beach fishing, I am back and loving it.
Currently using my 30yr old Daiwa Supercast X and Supercast, both 13ft multi rods.
I also have a new sonik sks black 13ft for my daughter or son to use when they come along.
Looking to buy another rod, seen a good deal on an AFAW...
I have bought an abu sliding reel seat 26mm from a tackle shop on ebay. It locks on solid to the blank with the two taper locks one each end. Takes the fathom and locks down nicely. Works with all my reels.
What I noticed is when using the penn fathom is the cutout part of the reel seat designed to press into the blank when tightening down doesn't actually move before the clamps bottom out. Obviously not designed to work together due to the very slim nature of the penn reel seat.
Having had a break from Beach casting for about 10 or so years I have been doing a spot of lure fishing for a couple of years with varying success.
I have now found a couple of new guys who want to go beach fishing and have dug out my old gear and been a few times.
For Christmas I splashed out...
Ended up with the Penn Fathom II 15 sd and a bulk spool of Asso ultracast.
Had a go with it saturday and compliments my 525mk2 nicely. Very happy with it, christened with a few Anglesey whiting and a flounder.
Hi Guys,
I currently have a 525 mag2 and a couple of abu 6500s.
A long service award of £200 is available to me and thought a new reel would be nice.
Any advice on which to choose, mainly north wales beaches and rocks.
I had zoned in on a penn fathom 15 or casting special, any others worth a...
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