Done extended versions of it several times over the years on a motorbike. Had bikes for fifty years and toured a lot but now retired still want to travel but with the fishing gear
Most of the conoflex beach casters I remember from the eighties had Fuji guides with the green between the frame and inner ceramic, think they were bnhg ? And many had black whipping with green tipping to match the guides.
I've started keeping a small bucket of water and towel with me and wash and dry my hands after baiting up. Used to just use a towel for years but got fed up with always having a stinking towel when I got home .
Don't completely cover the bait in it just spiral wrap like elastic so the bait can break down releasing scent . Crabs and small nuisance fish will tear it apart but any residue left when reeled in is easier to remove than bait elastic.
I'm actually thinking about buying another and getting a light bass rod or having a carp rod blank built up to go with it bait fishing for bream and bass.
I've had both in 2500 , at first the vanford felt better being lighter and smoother from the off but the more I used the Penn the more I liked it as it loosened up and I started to prefer the extra weight in my hand it felt far more robust and the vanford started to feel flimsy so I sold it on...
Rhino rods as j lee was nick named rhino on the casting circuit I believe and used the name for his company but was forced to change the name as another company already had it registered.
Strange thing re the costs and imported guides/reel seats, carbon etc as daiwa top end rods are still made in Scotland and the tournament pro is fitted out with Fuji guides and reel seats and even though I've been a fan of zziplex and century the daiwa build quality is up there with them and can...
Baffin trapper were great winter wellies a couple of decades ago but the price has trebled recently. Grubbs snowline we're good but seen some negative reviews the last few years saying the quality isn't what it was ,anyone here using them can comment ?
Spoke to an old friend that I hadn't heard from for a long time recently,he's a keen match anglers well known on the south coast. He was always a zziplex man and used bullets for a long time but he now has italcana but more recently zulcron but I haven't met up either him so not seen them but he...
Am I right in thinking the only current models with decent bite detection are the xt435gt and the x-gt 14 ? Think both the lite and super lite both have carbon tips and despite the lite in the name are still very powerful rods as the xt part refers to extreme tournament.
Another one that's been in the century range for some time that I've never seen or known anyone with them is the C curve, anyone had a play with these ?
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