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Search results

  1. Jimmyfloydreturns

    South East Nice bass 7lbs

    What a stonker!! You’ll get a fair few meals out of that, nice one
  2. Jimmyfloydreturns

    South East Somewhere in kent, looking for a bass

    Had another couple of schoolies this being the biggest a bit under 40cm: Then I dragged in what felt like a bag full of mud… wasn’t that, it was two doggies proper tangled. Guess I won’t use that rig any more then ? Thereafter it was a doggie every Chuck. Feeling a bit pooped I packed up...
  3. Jimmyfloydreturns

    South East Somewhere in kent, looking for a bass

    I’m having a lovely day. Nice and warm, the humans have buggered off and there are a load of beautiful Grebes hunting. Second schoolie also landed they’re getting bigger ?
  4. Jimmyfloydreturns

    South East Somewhere in kent, looking for a bass

    Small schoolie to beat the blank!
  5. Jimmyfloydreturns

    South East Somewhere in kent, looking for a bass

    Off shore breeze, calm sea, bright sunshine, little colour… it’s got blank written all over it ? Still bait is good so if there are fish out there they won’t turn this down!
  6. Jimmyfloydreturns

    South East Somewhere in kent, looking for a bass

    I dunno, if there’s not too much weed or may rot I’ve got a good feeling ;) Or if the whiting are over 30cm I’d be very happy!
  7. Jimmyfloydreturns

    South East Somewhere in kent, looking for a bass

    Not sure where I’m going yet, will decide in the morning after a check of the tides and weather. Dug some nice worm already, let’s see what they catch!
  8. Jimmyfloydreturns

    Well, that's Sad Saturday news.

    Agree^ Though I imagine they will be able to get a permit if they are professionals. I’ve only skim read the IFCA proposed law but looks okay to me….
  9. Jimmyfloydreturns

    South Coast A welcome distraction ... PB TOPE

    Great report thoroughly enjoyed reading it ??
  10. Jimmyfloydreturns

    Well, that's Sad Saturday news.

    Just back from hols and saw this, I’m gutted! Loved Billy’s videos when I got back into fishing, some great tips and I learnt a lot. Goodness knows how many times I watched the codling videos. I do wonder why he is stopping, hope not to ill health or anything. Will definitely miss this channel...
  11. Jimmyfloydreturns

    South East Boats, beaches and a new PB!

    What a great weekend! That bass is an absolute corker
  12. Jimmyfloydreturns

    South West Floundering in the mist

    Great flounder, absolute corker! No idea why but over always done poorly in thick fog, I would think it makes the fish more confident to feed in the cover but apparently not ?‍♂️
  13. Jimmyfloydreturns

    South East Light at the end of the tunnel (part 2)

    Well done Sir! Great little session to get your mojo back :)
  14. Jimmyfloydreturns

    South East A quick local session

    Have you got a picture of the whiting?
  15. Jimmyfloydreturns

    South East Does that count? …I think it counts.

    Well done mate, it’s the worst feeling losing your gear when you know there’s a fish on so great you went back and rescued him!
  16. Jimmyfloydreturns

    South Coast A plaice for sole and whiting (battered).

    What’s do you do with the oil? Seems a faff having to take used oil to the recycling centre after each use
  17. Jimmyfloydreturns

    South Coast A plaice for sole and whiting (battered).

    P.s. I kept the belly off cuts and bony bits and froze them down and plan to use them as bait. I bet whiting would have no problem scoffing one of their own which would mean no need to dig lug worm ?
  18. Jimmyfloydreturns

    South Coast A plaice for sole and whiting (battered).

    Great report and post, I love whiting for the table!
  19. Jimmyfloydreturns

    South East Whiting bash, change of tactics required

    Second dinner from the catch, this one a lot healthier than yesterdays fried fillets ? Basically a load of roasted veg, chickpea, garlic, tomato with the whiting chucked on for the last five minutes. Served with spinach and a good dollop of pesto. Really good!