Good evening all I headed off to crimdon earlier at 6.45pm got there for 6.50pm stood on the bank tops looking down at the water still bloody heavy ☹️ but thought feck it I'm here. It was only a small low water tide 1.1 so it would be a short session as much of the sand bar wouldn't be revealed...
There's been some really good cod caught further north from Newcastle upwards on the coast just not down this way☹️. I'd rather stick to the beaches I know and when to fish them and how to fish them which has worked for me over the last 30 years, just the the last 10 years depletion of the...
I ventured out last night at 8pm my destination was the bay at blackhall rocks 5 mins walk for me.
This got knocked on the head straight away as I got to the top of the beach banks and looked down the sea was massive and the roar from it was deafining. So I trudge back to the car and decided on...
I've fished all over seaham , hall beach ,the blast, the pier and the spiles don't do it that often I prefer crimdon beach at low water in the dark that's my usual haunt.
As mentioned earlier here's my catch report from Hendon prom Sunderland or should I say no catch report as the title say I got nowt El Blanco diddly squat I fecking blanked 😲I can't remember the last one☹️. Never mind it's just made me more eager to go out again and try and catch Jimmy Dick...
Headed down to my favorite beach got there at 8 pm after saying goodbye to custard while she was shouting for some bloke called Huey down the toilet.
The conditions had totally changed from last night it was roaring away I could hear from my house, tonight it was as flat as a witches tit. But I...
I use a zzplex zeteque txl GT with a penn fathom 15 for mixed to heavy ground with a rotton bottom short pulley rig. Sandy beaches I use my Grey's Nitra mk 1 with a penn 525 with a clip down rig. Baits I normally or try to use if I can get my hands on them are fresh yellow tails and bluey.
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