Just to let you all know I've still got book and earth worm sadly lost tape the other day bairns was amazed they've lased this long.tape is now frozen ready to fish on Saturday night on my next jaunt out with these bad boys I got off a mate on Sunday night 40 yellow tail for a fiver.
It's late or early which ever way you look at it?. Me and my partner in crime Dan got to Hendon prom about 12.30 there was a few anglers scattered along it we went right to the end where we were last time. There was a cracking sea running it looked like it would chuck something out for us.parked...
Me and Dan tried again at crimdon lovely sea running had to use a 7oz grip to hold the bottom and we had 2 whiting each for our troubles no point in putting pics of them up. I've just got in 10 mins ago. Having a quick coffee and I'm off out again at midnight half hour drive then going to give...
I must apologize ☹️it was a flounder not a dab, smooth from head to tail rough on the reverse still the biggest I've ever caught ?. Hopefully I'll get Jimmy Dick tonight.
Moby's big brother.
As promised earlier here's my experience of tonight's escapade
I got to crimdon and met up with Dan who brought his mate along too. Another mate of mine mark turned up so we all headed for the beach. As we got on to the beach there was a good sea running still and the gully to get on the sand...
Im not that abled bodied I'm 52 and a little over weight I think I felt the cold more due to being on blood thinners for life mate just got to wrap up well? and look for easy accessable marks to fish.
I met up with my mate Dan at midnight at the Middleton pier. The walk on was a bit dodgy as the remaining bits of snow was turning to slush. The wind had dropped down to about 20mph but still northerly and bitterly cold. The sea conditions looked good not to heavy with lazy swells.we got to the...
As I mentioned earlier I was off out with my mate Dan to Hendon prom at Sunderland. We got there for 13.30 it was packed lads from Seaham comp also a Ryhope comp on as well. We went right to the end of the prom turned the cars round so they were facing into the wind. The sea conditions looked...
That beach has been known too throw a decent cod out at times but the way it was fighting I think it could of been a big bass but I'll never know. We don't get eels up here on the north east coast especially at crimdon it's a sandy beach with gullies and holes .
After picking up a fivers worth of lug my plan was go to crimdon low water 21.45 head down for 19.30 fish it back then see what happens on the flood till 23.30 usually washed off the sand bar by then. I Stood at the top of the banks looking down onto the beach and there was a few lights down...
My mate Dan persuaded me to another session(didn't take much ?) tonight same beach as last night. We got there at 20.00 low water at 21.55 0.6m tide. The sea had dropped off quite a bit since last night but still had the odd angry breakers coming at us.
Baits were the same as last night. Dan...
As I mentioned the other day I've took the day off tomorrow to take custards mother to hospital and I would be venturing out tonight.low water was at 21.15 and 0.8m I couldn't resist going to my favorite beach crimdon. Got there for 1900hrs met up with my mate from work Dan. I didn't have a...
I would make something with a v shape with the rest fixed to one side then use a hook and eye system under it using a strong elastic band or rubber strap one either side underneath to fix it to the railing if you get my meaning. The bands would clamp it tight to railing.
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