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Search results

  1. Plaicehunter

    First lure session this year

    I'm a friend of John's, I wasn't there to see exactly what happened and I feel very sorry for his accident. I don't know how he was carrying the rod when he tripped and fell. However, I'd like to suggest to you guys that when carrying a made-up rod you do it butt-first, tucked to your side under...
  2. Plaicehunter


    Update: I've just uprated to Sunline Siglon Advance X8. I'm using the PE 1.2, rated at 16lb, for bass lure fishing. It's resin impregnated, which makes it a tiny bit thicker than regular Siglon X8, but it doesn't absorb water and is still very thin and smooth. The resin means salt crystals can't...
  3. Plaicehunter

    Lure fishing / spinning what is the difference?

    Ever tried Spey-casting a double-handed salmon fly rod while deep-wading in fast water? There's a bit more to it than 'lobbing out a salmon fly'. A bit of inverted snobbery in your comment I think! PH
  4. Plaicehunter

    Lure fishing / spinning what is the difference?

    Most of the lures UK bass anglers cast weigh less than 30g, and we may make hundreds of casts in a session and work the lures in various ways. You could use any rod capable of casting 30g, but most would feel tiring and unpleasant. Recently, after fishing with modern bass lure rods, I had a...
  5. Plaicehunter

    South West Was it a gilt?

    This bonito went 11lb and I had another around 9lb next day, both on a bass spinning rod and 4000 reel, although on freelined livebait not a lure. I've never had a fish run so far and fast repeatedly. There seem to be a few gilts around the Plymouth area but not enough to be worth targeting yet...
  6. Plaicehunter

    South West Was it a gilt?

    Postscript: I started the day with a conger of 7-8lb on half a mackerel, lip-hooked and T-barred off. Thought I was in for a hot session but it then went completely dead. At half-ebb I moved downstream where it was equally unexciting, but when I gave up to go home I found a half-pound whiting on...
  7. Plaicehunter

    South West Was it a gilt?

    The water was clear but still cold when I set off yesterday aboard 'Piranha' in search of the first gilt of 2021. Fishing the whole of the ebb and the first hour of the flood, I dodged about trying favourite spots. Three rods were baited with lug, rag and peeler crab. Bass in the Tamar are still...
  8. Plaicehunter

    Catch and release?

    I don't eat fish, and my wife prefers gilts, plaice and home-smoked mackerel to bass, so I never keep any bass regardless of size. I fish barbless lures for them and handle them very carefully, so I don't see any moral difference between this and coarse fishing, which I also enjoy. I wouldn't...
  9. Plaicehunter

    Budget off the ground casting for everybody.

    Anglers in the North East used to fish rough ground for cod with 'Burma poles' and wooden Scarborough reels. I had both, though I lived on the South coast!. The Burma pole was heavy with very little give in it, and had thick pink porcelain rings, but strap a multiplier to the bottom of the butt...
  10. Plaicehunter

    South West Bombardas.

    Cheap enough, but what is the point of buying 10 when you will probably never lose one? The 'tube' bombardas don't cast as well and tangle more. False economy! You can buy the INNO bombardas on eBay but I buy them direct from the Bombarda Shop in Denmark, www.bombardashop.com The owner, Martin...
  11. Plaicehunter

    Wlure short shank trebles

    Some of my favourite hooks are made by Mustad - unfortunately in China now, not Norway. That's not so bad; it's the blatant infringement of copyright of some products which I don't like. PH
  12. Plaicehunter

    Looky Likey Lures

    Some lookalikes work very well - I have a Kingdom Asturie copy which I prefer to the real thing - but others don't and are a waste of money. I've given up buying copies because I'm uneasy about the principle of allowing someone else to do all the expensive research, development, testing and...
  13. Plaicehunter

    South West Bombardas.

    A couple of points: you are unlikely to lose a bombarda if your leader is of lower breaking strain than your main line, and they are virtually indestructible, so it's worth buying a top-quality one which will cast better and tangle less. I have lost only one so far, due to a crack-off on a...
  14. Plaicehunter

    Wlure short shank trebles

    They look sharp and I like incurved points. Please review once you have tried them. PH
  15. Plaicehunter


    The Norwegians are in an enviable position: large land mass, small population, not in the EU, lots of natural resources including hydro power, fish, gas and oil. Never having had an empire, they also do not have immigration from former colonies. Their big cod breed more big cod. Ours never get...
  16. Plaicehunter

    South West Bombardas.

    Try www.bombardashop.com for brilliant bombardas in a range of weights and densities. Thoroughly recommended! PH
  17. Plaicehunter


    Just shows how big cod could grow if not relentlessly exploited by commercials. Now we are being told there are so few left that they could be catch-and-release only for UK anglers! A double-figure cod has become a big target for many shore anglers, but in reality it's not a big cod. PH
  18. Plaicehunter


    I had problems with J braid when lure fishing - tangles when casting resulting in breakages when trying to clear them. I tried under-loading the reel but this cut casting distance. I've had no problems with Siglon even with the line loaded to the max. I haven't used J braid in heavier breaking...
  19. Plaicehunter


    I found using braid on casting multipliers caused over-runs due to the braid sticking to itself. Fine for boat reels and fixed-spools. PH
  20. Plaicehunter


    Sunline Siglon x8. Fine, smooth, very reliable, not expensive. Had lots of problems with original J Braid x8. PH