Yes the bream certainly are if you can find them. We had over 160 on Friday. All well above a 1lb and some real chunkies. We kept 70 & put the rest back. Vacuum sealed on return. Best day's bream fishing I have had in memory.
Reef to east of Isle of Wight. Non stop except at the height of the...
Encouraging that so many black bream around. Loads of decent ones on the wrecks. Friend had a field day of 2lb plus off Ramsgate. They had 130 but only kept what was needed.
My boat out of the water at present to be copper coated so bit hacked off missing some of the calm weather.
Having just posted that we are in a mackerel desert - we have just been inundated with them !
Should have posted that earlier in the year.
All in harbour and chasing bait fish up the shingle on the beaches and onto shoreline in harbour. 2 of us had 80 plus off the boat in less than an hour...
Had a couple of long term fishing chums down last week (Wed- Fri) for a 3 day fishing trip on my ORKNEY PH20 out of Chichester Harbour.
Day 1 - restricted to harbour which usually fishes really well but plagued with weed that covers everything. Only way to fish is on the drift. Had loads of...
My tuppence worth:
Do not go into cabin or below. Do not look down at deck or sort gear looking down. Look at horizon - stand and move with boat. Eat & drink water (no acidy stuff). Sea sickness is caused by balance of inner ear.
Phenergan 10mg works well but does cause drowsiness but less so...
Contact Anglers World Holidays - they may be able to fix you up with a group. 01246 221717
They organise ours at Torivag Havfiske (not fjords) but we are full.
Nice to squeeze a trip in between bad weather and get a result. Great stuff & nice report.
Hope to fish the spring flood on Friday & have a crack at some bream again.
This is a 17lb Smoothie I had on 14 April best of 7 . Went back - pregnant female . Caught on frozen Velvet Crab.
Had tried for bass further out but delayed by fog so missed the best of the tide for that.
If this was a fishing charter - I am not sure how the skipper could be commercially endorsed to take fee paying passengers due to the medical requirements for commercial endorsement. It is not so much about boating skills but to be able to deal with safety issues etc.
Is he insured to do this ?
Last Thursday saw the end of the strong winds. On a whim I took the boat out for a dabble with some rag worm in Chichester Harbour - still quite a swell outside from the day before. No one else fishing & I fished the flood
What a lovely day of non stop action with 2 light rods. Not a lot of...
I think you will need more than 30 yards as you will need to allow for removing lengths that are nearer the hook end which gets damaged. If you are fishing rough areas or where lots of weed / anenoeme growth. Also where gets tangled on other lines (rubbing), outboard under boat etc. I take...
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