VMO and Veals fishing tackle were part of the same company. Formed in 1846, the shop and mail order business was split into two separate companies in 1992. The shop was closed in 2020 I think. Covid closures were listed as the main reason.
In the 1960’s a small mail order service was introduced and this subsequently developed to the extent that by the early 90’s it was proving very difficult to combine the needs of both a bustling retail shop and a rapidly growing mail order business within the same now cramped building."
Veals Mail Order,306 Central Park,Hengrove,BRISTOL,BS14 9BZ,Telephone: 01275 892000
April 23rd, 2020.
Notice from Veals Fishing Tackle
"It is with great sadness and heavy hearts we wish to inform you that, due to the current climate and the closure for Covid-19, S. Veals & Son Limited, trading as Veals Fishing Tackle & Practical Fishing Tackle, has gone into Administration with immediate effect and will not be opening for business in the future.
Please note this does not involve Veals Mail Order which is a separate trading business.
P R J Frost and V H Ellaby of Hazlewoods LLP have been appointed as Joint Administrators.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our staff past and present and of course all our customers, many of whom have become great friends. We thank you all for the decades of great memories.
Veals started trading in 1846 as a proud family business and it is with huge sadness that we will not be able to re-open the doors to you all.
For all enquiries, including any potential interest in stock, gift vouchers or if you are a creditor of the Company, please email in the first instance to
[email protected]. The Joint Administrators will be writing to all known creditors in due course.
Tight lines and see you on the riverbank."