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    • Join the community and start contributing to a large source of sea angling information.
    • Members who are regular contributors and have posted more than 25 times, have the option to turn off adverts.
    • Become an active member and you can enter member exclusive competitions.


About Talk Sea Fishing

Talk Sea Fishing is the new home for Sea Anglers Guide. We’ve moved all of our articles over to the new website, given them a quick lick of paint and introducing a forum to provide a more complete website.

Our long-term aim is to provide the most comprehensive guide to sea angling in the UK. Using our extensive content network to build long-form articles that describe the best techniques and tactics to get the most from your sea fishing. While many of our articles may look dated at the moment, but we’ll be giving them all a complete overhaul. Our aim, to produce an encyclopaedic database for everything sea angling!

In addition to our How To Guides, we’ll be producing regular features from our travels across the UK, Ireland and beyond. Focusing on a blend of shore and boat fishing articles, written to encourage our readers to get out there and sample everything that’s great about sea angling!

Our Reviews work three ways. Firstly, we will included products that sea anglers might want to know some more information about, this will contain the Manufacturers Description as well as stock photos of the item. If we use the product ourselves, we'll add an Editors Review, which will give you our thoughts on the product and how we use it. Finally, we have User Reviews. As we upload a new items to the database, TSF Members will be able to upload a User Review of the product from their own experiences. To ensure that the database works for all, please only submit a User Review if you've actually bought and use the product.

Finally, our forums provide the best place to post up your catch reports and ask advice on tackle, tactics and everything else sea angling. While Social Media is great for catching up with families, checking out what your mates are doing down the pub or what the guy next door is having for his Sunday roast, we think there is a better medium to post your reports!

How we are funded

Talk Sea Fishing is reader-supported and we generate revenue to produce our articles in three ways.

Adverts - Some content contains advertisements. These are sold independently from us via a third party. We don’t know who will advertise and this means that we can keep our editorial independence.

Merchandise - We make some of our own merchandise, at the moment the range is small but we will expand on this over time. Buying these items from our shop helps us to maintain the site. Visit our shop here.

Affiliate Sales - When you click on links to buy products, we may earn money to support our work and content writing. This helps us pay the server bills, buy products for review and keep the content-generating for a regularly updated website.

Writing about tackle

We select certain products which we believe our readers will want to read more about. We generally don’t select products that we think our anglers are not going to be interested in or anything too cheap. We don’t write about products that may not be up to scratch, this is because our time and your time is precious and we think our time writing about products and your time reading them is valuable. So we concentrate at looking at kit most anglers would be happy to use.

There really isn’t a lot of bad kit out there across all the price bands, so much of our tackle writing is designed to give you information and some opinion to help you on the final decision on what you want to purchase.

They’re not out and out reviews of products.

A large majority of the products we review are products we have purchased ourselves, either for our own personal use or to review on this website. Once we have done with many review items and our articles are complete, we may sell these items on eBay at big discounts.

Tight Lines

The Talk Sea Fishing Team
