Well-known member

I've never landed one, closest I've come was lifting one out and having it fall off at Poole

Anyway, we were met with road closure signs for the following it was going to just be a quick session that evening over high. This limited my movement somewhat , and I ended up basically fishing off just 1 rock down a couple of gaps each side.
Bait was bits of fish, squid and prawn on a jig head.
It turned out to be a busy few hours with some memorable moments!
The first of these was trying out a little 2ft ice rod...bought as a laugh really, and hooking a large conger, amongst the mass of Shannies.
This as you can imagine didn't end well, and after a tug of war, and a crack from the new rod, the line parted and it was gone!
Checking the rod the quiver tip I'd used as a lighter main section had split a bit

Oh well back to the Shannies, Pout, Poorcod , Goldsinnys, Pollack, and Tompots, before another memorable moment... another heavy weight!

Back at it with the Shannies and then it happened.... something flat came up

After plenty of pics I was back at the Shannies, then something different again, a nice Rockling....only my 3rd ever so happy with that.

Back on the Shannies and thinking of packing .....bang.... another good conger!.....the poor rod cracked a bit more and I grabbed the line as it was pulling off the reel.
Tug of war commenced for a 2nd time....I'd gain a couple of foot, lose a wasn't looking good and just a matter of time with the line going down through the boulders.
Maybe 30 seconds later it was gone, line cut through

A few more Shannies and I called it quits well happy.
Today I had a quick go at Elphinstone, hoping to find grey Gurnard....alas it wasn't to be, plenty of Tompots, rockgoby , blackgoby, Pollack, Shannies, a couple of Dragonets and a sandsmelt....super day as well.... fireworks later, then maybe have a look for something else very special


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